Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
liberty kemerdekaan
liberty of consciencekebebasan beragama
liberty of speechkebebasan berbicara
liberty of the presskebebasan pers
liberty punishmenthukuman
immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence
kekebalan dari latihan sewenang-wenang dari otoritas: kemerdekaan politik
source: WordNet 3.0


and I put the Statue of Liberty in there as a scale reference.
dan saya menaruh Patung Liberty sebagai skala perbandingan.
on the side of the Liberty Bell,
yang tercantum di samping Lonceng Kebebasan,
civilization, liberty and law throughout the world."
peradaban, kebebasan, dan hukum ke seluruh dunia."
of what he meant with liberty, and liberty for whom.
akan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan kebebasan, dan kebebasan untuk siapa.
It's comparable to the size of the Statue of Liberty.
Mungkin seukuran Patung Liberti.
life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.
kehidupan, kebebasan dan mengejar kebahagiaan.
and the Statue of Liberty and the Hudson River.
dan Patung Liberty dan Sungai Hudson.
liberty is usually around the corner,
kebebasan biasanya berada sangat dekat,
and an idea of liberty. It reflects an idea of dignity,
ide akan kebebasan, ide akan martabat,
and whether liberty and democracy is appreciated,
dan apakah kebebasan dan demokrasi dihargai,
from the perspective of individual liberty,
dari pandangan kebebasan pribadi,
with regard to individual liberty.
kebebasan tersebut.