English to Indonesian
literature | kesusastraan, daftar bacaan, bacaan |
literature of law | kesusasteraan hukum |
literature | |
noun |
creative writing of recognized artistic value
kreatif penulisan nilai seni diakui
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)talking to someone who does comparative literature. yang akan melakukan studi banding.
And for 13 years I kept clear of it. I wanted to be an English literature professor. Dan selama 13 tahun saya pegang teguh itu. Saya ingin menjadi profesor sastra Inggris
One of my favorite quotes from literature Salah satu kutipan favorit saya dari karya sastra
I started to research scientific literature Saya lakukan riset literatur
such as comparative religion and comparative literature. semacam Perbandingan Agama dan Perbandingan Sastra.
And of course, others using more sophisticated methods in the literature Dan tentu saja, orang lain dengan metode yang lebih canggih
For a lot of us it might be literature or writing. Lain lagi, sastra atau tulisan.
literature, we will see a biased sample of the true picture kita akan melihat contoh yang berat sebelah dari gambaran sebenarnya
in the academic literature. So this took all of the trials pada jurnal akademik. Kajian ini mengambil semua penelitian
in the peer-reviewed academic literature. And this is what they found. di jurnal akademik. Dan inilah yang mereka temukan.
But when they went to look for these trials in the peer-reviewed academic literature, namun saat mereka melihat percobaan ini di jurnal akademik,
were able to see in the peer-reviewed academic literature. di jurnal-jurnal akademik.
through their poetry, their art, their literature, melalui puisi mereka, seni mereka, sastra mereka,
But there was ones in the literature. Tapi ada satu referensi.
and translator of many works of literature -- dan penerjemah karya-karya sastra,
read through the literature on anthropology, telah membaca literatur antropologi,
And Bronx literature, Dan literatur Bronx,
in English literature. I want to share briefly dari suatu literatur Inggris. Saya ingin berbagi dengan singkat
40 percent of basic literature -- 40 persen dari tulisan dasar --
Reading and enjoying literature Membaca dan menikmati sastra
When you take education and technology, then I find in the literature that, Ketika Anda berbicara tentang pendidikan dan teknologi, saya menemukan di literatur bahwa
The literature -- one part of it, the scientific literature -- Literatur - khususnya, literatur ilmu pengetahuan,
there's a literature inside of each of us, bahwa ada karya sastra hidup dalam setiap diri kita,
And if you read that literature, one of the things Bila anda membaca literatur itu, salah satu hal
I've been digging through the literature Saya telah mencari acuan pertama
Even in popular literature, the only book I've ever found -- bahkan pada literatur populer, satu-satunya buku yang saya temukan
We did an extensive review of the literature Kami melakukan banyak sekali tinjauan pustaka
who'd produced the literature that we found relevant. telah menerbitkan tulisan yang kami anggap cocok
because I have a Bachelor's degree in Literature. karena latar belakang pendidikan saya adalah S1 Sastra.
We have a vast body of literature Kita memiliki banyak sekali acuan
So if you look at the psychological literature, Jika Anda melihat pada buku acuan psikologi
about movies, probably about literature. tentang film, mungkin tentang literatur.
and DNA, and literature and science -- dan DNA, dan sastra, dan ilmu pengetahuan --
Well, what I did with that was to access the linguistics literature. Yang saya lakukan adalah mengakses literatur sastra.
the archive of all the medical literature, arsip semua literatur medis,
Literature has to take us beyond. Sastra harus membawa kita keluar
it is not good literature. karya itu bukan sastra yang bagus.
Imaginative literature is not necessarily about Sastra imajinatif bukan selalu tentang
and I reviewed the radiology literature, dan saya membaca literatur tentang radiologi,
reviewed the world's mammography screening literature meninjau literatur pencitraan mamografi yang ada di dunia
in the radiology literature, pada literatur radiologi,
in the Buddhist literature, they say, "Oh who would really want to be compassionate? dalam literatur Budha, kata mereka, ooh, siapa yang benar benar ingin menjadi welas asih?
some of the great African literature beberapa karya sastra Afrika yang hebat
was in Stockholm, Sweden, accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature. berada di Stockholm, Swedia, menerima hadiah Nobel untuk literature.
I hope I try to go out of my way to try and read and understand all the literature. Saya mencoba membaca dan mengerti semua literatur yang ada.