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English to Indonesian
monastery biara
the residence of a religious community
kediaman sebuah komunitas religius
source: WordNet 3.0


is a 400 year-old Buddhist monastery.
adalah biara Budha berusia 400 tahun.
This is a close-up of the Buddhist monastery.
Inilah gambar biara Budha itu dari dekat.
to monastery records to ships' logs
dari data biara sampai perkapalan
you see the monastery at the top of the Muhraka --
Anda melihat biara di puncak Muhraka --
you find yourself standing on the roof of this monastery,
Anda menyadari Anda ada di atap biara itu
His whole monastery was thrown into prison
Dan dia -- seluruh anggota biaranya dijebloskan ke penjara