English to Indonesian
nail a lie | menyangkal |
nail cleaner | pembersih kuku |
nail colors to the mast | bertekad - |
nail down | memakukan |
nail extractor | pencabut-paku |
nail to the counter | membuktikan ketidakbenaran |
nail up | memasang |
nail-box | bak-paku |
nail-drawer | cabut paku |
nail-hammer | martil paku |
nail-head | kepala paku |
nail-hole | lubang paku |
nail-keg | tong paku |
nail-maker | tukang paku |
nail-nippers | gunting kuku |
nail-polish | semir kuku-kuku |
nail-polish remover | semir pembersihkuku |
nail-puller | pencabut paku |
nailed | memaku |
nailed a lie | menyangkal |
nail | |
verb |
attach something somewhere by means of nails
memasang sesuatu di suatu tempat dengan cara kuku
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)like what nail polish to put on seperti pewarna kuku apa sebaiknya yang dipakai,
So I brought these two bottles of nail polish into the laboratory, Saya bawa kedua botol pewarna kuku itu ke laboratorium,
of putting the same color nail polish dengan memperlihatkan pewarna kuku yang warnanya sama
everything starts to look like a nail." maka semua akan terlihat seperti paku."
And our nail has been a 19th- and 20th-century Dan paku kita adalah abad ke 19 dan 20
girls who had boys' haircuts but wore girly nail polish, mereka yang memiliki potongan rambut seperti pria tapi mengenakan kuteks yang sangat feminin,
And I think these words really nail it: Saya kira ucapannya sangat tepat:
then I examine the hands, then I look at the nail beds, lalu saya memeriksa tangannya, jari-jari kukunya,