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newton newton
newton corpuscular theory of lightteori butir cahaya newton
newton first lawhukum newton pertama
newton law for coolinghukum pendinginan newton
newton law for heat losshukum pendinginan newton
newton law of gravitationhukum gravitasi newton
newton law of motionhukum gerak newton
newton ringcincin newton
newton ringscecincin newton
newton second lawhukum newton kedua
newton theory of lightteori cahaya newton
newton third lawhukum newton ketiga
newton's equationspersamaan newton
newton's first lawhukum newton pertama
newton's law of coolinghukum pendinginan newton
newton's law of gravitationhukum gravitasi newton
newton's law of resistancehukum hambatan newton
newton's second law of motionhukum gerak kedua newton
newton's theory of gravitationteori gravitasi newton
newton's third law of motionhukum gerak ketiga newton
newtonian approximation in a gravitational fieldhampiran newton dalam medan gravitasi
English mathematician and physicist; remembered for developing the calculus and for his law of gravitation and his three laws of motion (1642-1727)
Matematikawan dan fisikawan Inggris; diingat untuk mengembangkan kalkulus dan hukum gravitasinya dan tiga hukum gerakan (1642-1727)
source: WordNet 3.0


He held the post that Newton held at Cambridge,
Dia memegang jabatan yang sama dengan Newton di Cambridge,
We'll start with something very simple -- Newton's Law:
Kita akan mulai dengan sesuatu yang sederhana, Hukum Newton.
Another is Newton and the apple, when Newton was at Cambridge.
Hal lainnya adalah Newton dan apelnya, ketika Newton berada di Cambridge.
He thought that space and time were explained by Isaac Newton --
Dia berpikir bahwa ruang dan waktu telah dijelaskan oleh Isaac Newton --
space and time and motion and so forth of Newton.
ruang, waktu, gerak, dan sebagainya, dari Newton.
In fact, Newton and Locke were friends.
Sebenarnya, Newton dan Locke adalah sahabat.
which for Newton was God.
yang bagi Newton adalah Tuhan.
where everything is, according to Newton, OK?
di mana segalanya berada, menurut Newton.
this is actually probably a Newton and the apple type story,
cerita ini mungkin setipe dengan Newton dan apple nya,
For what it's worth, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist who ever lived,
Bagaimanapun, Sir Isaac Newton, ilmuwan terbesar yang pernah hidup,
It's the Newton's laws, if you want,
Itu adalah Hukum Newton,
We actually floated an apple in homage to Sir Isaac Newton
Sekarang kami benar-benar membuat sebuah apel melayang sebagai penghormatan kepada Sir Isaac Newton
that Isaac Newton did.
sama seperti Isaac Newton dulu.