Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
nominated personorang yang diangkat
nominateeorang yang diangkat
propose as a candidate for some honor
mengusulkan sebagai calon untuk beberapa kehormatan
source: WordNet 3.0


And if they nominate the party host as their friend,
Kalau mereka menominasikan dia sebagai teman mereka,
the only friend they have to nominate is this person,
satu-satunya teman untuk dinominasikan adalah orang ini,
everyone you pick, when they nominate a random --
semua yang Anda pilih, saat menominasikan secara acak...
have them nominate their friends,
meminta mereka menominasikan teman mereka,
we had them nominate their friends,
kami minta mereka menominasikan teman mereka,
also have them nominate their friends and follow the friends
meminta mereka menominasikan teman dan mengikuti mereka.
and had them nominate their friends
minta mereka menominasikan teman mereka
where we get some people to nominate their friends
kita meminta beberapa orang menominasikan teman mereka