Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
obvious jelas, mudah di mengerti, kentara, terang
obviouslydengan jelas
easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind
mudah dirasakan oleh indra atau ditangkap oleh pikiran
source: WordNet 3.0


It's not obvious exactly what's going on.
Tidak jelas sebenarnya apa yang terjadi.
Another possibility, very obvious, is homophily,
Kemunginan yang lain, sangat jelas adalah homofilia,
That's very obvious, we all know that.
Hal itu sangat jelas, kita semua tau itu.
of social network structure are not so obvious.
dari struktur jaringan sosial tidak tampak dengan jelas.
and some are born gregarious. That's obvious.
dan beberapa orang dilahirkan suka berteman. Hal ini jelas.
But we also found some non-obvious things.
Namun kita juga menemukan beberapa hal-hal yang tidak tampak jelas.
Men don't belong here, that's pretty obvious.
Laki-laki tak memiliki tempat disini, hal itu sangat jelas.
And the idea is so simple, so obvious,
Dan idenya sangat sederhana, sangat jelas,
Well, that's kind of an obvious statement up there.
Pernyataan di atas itu sepertinya sangat jelas
The obvious question would be to ask,
Pertanyaan yang jelas harus ditanyakan,
And it's very obvious
Dan sudah sangat jelas
well it's pretty obvious, your phone will be tapped.
sudah cukup jelas, telepon Anda akan disadap.
the obvious response from people should be
respon yang jelas dari masyarakat harus
I know it's obvious,
Saya tahu ini sangat jelas,
beyond the obvious health and education,
selain kesehatan dan pendidikan yang sudah pasti,
And it was very obvious
Dan sudah pasti
The advantages of dialogue are obvious.
Manfaat dari dialog sangatlah jelas.
Even if you are Indian, it is not very explicit, it is not very obvious.
Bahkan jika anda India, ini tidak terlalu eksplisit, tidak terlalu jelas.
it just sort of became obvious.
karena itu sudah menjadi jelas.
sort of take it straight on. And they follow the most obvious solution.
semacam mengambil jalan lurus, menggunakan solusi paling jelas
It's becoming obvious that the chance that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe,
Sudah jelas bahwa peluang tidak adanya kehidupan lain di alam semesta
I think this is pretty obvious in terms of some of the needs.
Saya rasa cukup jelas kenapa, dalam konteks beberapa kebutuhan manusia.
"Well Tim, it's kind of obvious.
"Tim, semuanya sudah jelas.
Now why are you just wandering around saying this obvious thing?"
Kenapa tidak Anda katakan saja demikian?"
You think it's obvious?
Menurut Anda hal itu jelas?
I will admit it's obvious
Saya mengakui hal itu jelas
it's obvious that trial and error is a good thing.
sangat jelas bahwa ralat dan galas adalah hal yang baik.
that it is obvious that trial and error works, and that -- thank you.
bahwa sudah jelas bahwa ralat dan galas bekerja, dan -- terima kasih.
It was pretty obvious that it provided the information
Cukup jelas bahwa hal ini memberi informasi
the more we face a very obvious array of problems.
semakin banyak pula masalah besar yang kita hadapi.
And it's obvious from the diagram that every unit of energy you save at the wheels
Dan cukup jelas pada diagram bahwa setiap unit energi yang dihemat pada roda
a couple big, really obvious brands.
untuk beberapa merek besar dan terkenal.
of the technology's rise that wasn't obvious to everybody.
dari meningkatnya teknologi yang tidak untuk semua orang.
for no obvious economic reason
untuk alasan ekonomi yang tidak jelas
It's been obvious in my practice, to me.
Untuk saya, jawabannya jelas terlihat di dalam praktek saya.
So it's a first very simple, a very obvious question
Jadi ini pertanyaan pertama yang paling sederhana
So that's a second, very obvious question:
Jadi itu adalah pertanyaan kedua yang sangat kentara:
The most obvious visual thing on stage is the speaker.
Visual yang paling jelas di panggung adalah pembicaranya.
There's a sense in which it's obvious,
Bisa dirasakan bahwa itu sudah jelas,
It is obvious that this is not the way people want to do their work.
Sudah jelas bahwa ini bukan cara yang diinginkan orang dalam bekerja.
very obvious if we were to talk about real patients,
yang terdengar masuk akal jika kami membahas tentang pasien-pasien,
has inspired human beings to think beyond the obvious.
telah menginspirasi umat manusia berpikir melampaui batas.
and I realize that they've been obvious, and yet they have not been.
dan saya sadar bahwa mereka telah jelas, dan sebelumnya mereka belum jelas.
It seems so obvious, and yet it is not.
Itu kelihatannya sangat jelas, tapi kenyataannya tidak.
we've got obvious things like Iraq and Afghanistan,
ada beberapa tempat yang pasti seperti Irak dan Afganistan,
and I think it's fairly obvious
dan saya rasa cukup jelas
But they find it completely obvious
Namun jelas mereka
But it was quite obvious, quite clear,
Tetapi sangatlah jelas
and it's actually not at all obvious, because
dan sebenarnya tidak semua mudah dimengerti karena,
just because it's such an obvious and important thing.
hanya karena hal ini sangat kentara dan penting.