Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
office kantor
office appliancesalat keperluan kantor
office areawilayah perkantoran
office boypesuruh kantor
office buildingbangunan kantor
office calljasa panggil
office equipmentperalatan kantor
office equipment selectionseleksi perlengkapan kantor
office formformulir perkantoran
office hoursjam kerja
office job analysisanalisis jabatan
office lay-outtata ruang kantor
office machinesmesin-mesin kantor
office managementmanajemen perkantoran
office management activitieskegiatan-kegiatan manajemen perkantoran
office managerpimpinan kantor
office manualbuku pedoman kantor
office manualsbuku pedoman kantor
office of the attorney generalkantor kejaksaan agung
office performance measurementpengukuran pekerjaan kantor
office procedureprosedur perkantoran
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed
tempat usaha di mana tugas-tugas profesional atau administrasi yang dilakukan
source: WordNet 3.0


the phone rang in the penguin office.
telepon di kantor penguin berbunyi.
And he called the two of them to his office.
Lalu ia memanggil kedua orang itu ke kantornya.
So, I left his office and I was walking through the hospital,
Jadi, saya tinggalkan kantornya, dan saya sedang berjalan sepanjang rumah-sakit,
I draped them casually over the chair in the doctor's office.
Saya gantungkan begitu saja di bangku kantor dokter
Here's me in my office.
Inilah saya di kantor saya.
An attorney in the office
Seorang pengacara di kantor
whether in Trenton, New Jersey or the office of the White House,
baik di Trenton, New Jersey atau di kantor kepresidenan,
My office was on one half of the bedroom,
Kantor saya ada di setengah kamar tidur,
In fact, in my office in 1990,
Faktanya, di kantor saya pada tahun 1990,
trying to convince the PR office at BP
mencoba meyakinkan kantor humas BP
dead office park?
perkantoran yang mati?
and as all variety of office space.
dan berbagai jenis kantor.
and they put up a restaurant in the old post office.
dan mereka membuat rumah makan di kantor pos tua itu.
this one of an office park outside of Washington D.C.
inilah perkantoran di luar Washington D. C.
while keeping the existing office buildings.
sementara mempertahankan kantor yang sudah ada.
and the office park on the other
dan perkantoran di sisi lainnya.
in between the office buildings
di antara gedung perkantoran
is a medical examiner's office.
kamar otopsi.
So while Sally, the office manager,
Jadi saat Sally, manager kantor itu,
where you can see our very first office there on that hill,
di mana Anda bisa melihat kantor kami yang pertama di bukit itu,
This is what your office should look like,
Inilah bagaimana kantor kita harus terlihat,
with an amplifier in his office.
dengan sebuah ampli di kantornya.
And so Guier and Weiffenbach go back to Weiffenbach's office,
Dan lalu Guier dan Weiffenbach pergi ke kantor Weiffenbach,
and people start kind of coming into the office and saying,
dan orang-orang mulai berdatangan ke kantor dan berkata,
But in her office,
Namun di kantornya
Why is this old table in your office?"
Mengapa meja tua ini ada di kantormu?
And when he passed on, I took this table with me and brought it to my office,
Ketika dia wafat, saya mengambil dan membawa meja ini ke kantor saya,
for his new office tower.
untuk gedung kantor barunya.
since sometimes in office hours sometimes it's closed, of course.
karena tentu saja jam kantor ada tutupnya.
I was very excited. I walked with him to his office.
Saya sangat senang. Saya berjalan bersama menuju kantornya.
When I got back to his office,
Saat saya kembali ke kantornya,
Into this mix, people like us, who are not in public office,
Dan orang-orang seperti kita yang tidak berada di jabatan pemerintah,
When I got out of office and was asked to work, first in the Caribbean,
Ketika saya keluar dari jabatan saya dan diminta untuk bekerja, pertama di Karibia,
I have one image in my office.
Saya memiliki satu gambar di kantor saya.
saying that I'll never let anyone else have it, except for me in my office, I promise.
kalau saya tak akan memberikannya pada orang lain, kecuali untuk saya di kantor saya, saya janji
campaigning for elected office
berkampanye untuk dipilih
by IMing from their office to their friends,
mengirim pesan instan dari kantor kepada teman mereka,
factory, migration, office.
pabrik, migrasi, kantor.
when you clocked in to an office,
saat Anda masuk ke kantor,
is actually doing private email from his office.
sebenarnya mengirimkan surat elektronik pribadi dari kantor.
we were going to move it into an office for the first time.
untuk pertama kalinya kami akan bekerja dalam suatu kantor.
We were going to move it into an office,
Kita akan pindah ke suatu kantor,
sort of a writing community -- coming into the office every day anyway,
suatu komunitas penulis yang akan datang setiap hari ke kantor ini,
where kids put their parents. You have the office.
dimana anak-anak bisa menaruh orang tua mereka. Itu kantornya.
My husband works in this big office.
Suami saya bekerja di kantor besar ini.
They call it the Oval Office.
Mereka menyebutnya "Oval Office."
he was out in the yard playing in his playhouse. And I was in my office working,
ia sedang bermain rumah-rumahan di halaman. Dan saya di ruang kerja,
I want you to come with me to my office in my house.
aku ingin kau ikut denganku ke ruang kerja ku di rumahku.
it's in my office --
Di kantor saya.
legal-size forms in your doctor's office?
yang panjang itu di ruang dokter anda?