Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
omnipresence kehadiran, keberadaan di mana-mana
the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)
keadaan di mana-mana sekaligus (atau tampak di mana-mana sekaligus)
source: WordNet 3.0
of his omnipresence called also
atas nya pemasarannya disebut juga
his omnipresence called also ubiquitist
kemahahadiran nya disebut juga ubiquitist
at the same time omnipresence
pada saat yang sama mahahadir
omnipresence called also ubiquitist and
pemasarannya disebut juga ubiquitist dan
the same time omnipresence as
saat yang sama mahahadir seperti