Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
pathway jalan kecil
a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain
bundel serabut saraf mielin mengikuti jalan melalui otak
source: WordNet 3.0


and that put the world on the right pathway,
yang menempatkan kembali dunia di jalan yang benar,
and we benefit now from that pathway,"
dan bagaimana kita beruntung karenanya,"
There's basically a giant pathway in the sky
Semacam jalan raksasa tercipta di langit
and out into the pathway of the Staten Island Ferry,
menuju ke jalur Ferry Staten Island,
and they're controlling the pathway that produces their pain.
dan mereka mengontrol jalur yang menghasilkan nyeri mereka.
a pathway of public opinion and the nightmare of Chinese officials.
persimpangan antara opini publik dan mimpi buruk pemerintahan Cina.
And we walked up this pathway,
Kami melalui jalan ini
and what's the pathway back to 350.
dan apa jalur kembali menuju 350.
to tell you the pathway
untuk menggambarkan jalan
to get it on a pathway where there's a way to make money doing it.
membuka jalan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan.
there is a north-south, a huge pathway across the sky
ada sebuah jalur cahaya terpolarisasi utara-selatan raksasa