Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
pearl mutiara, sesuatu yang berharga
pearl barleyberas belanda
pearl diverpenyelam mutiara
pearl divingpenyelaman mutiara
pearl fisherytempat mutiara diambil
pearl harbourpearl harbour peasantry
pearl oysterkerang mutiara
pearl typeseperti mutiara
pearlyseperti mutiara, terbuat dari mutiara
a smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel
struktur bulat mulus berkilau dalam cangkang kerang atau tiram; lebih dihargai sebagai permata
source: WordNet 3.0


Opens it up and there's a pearl necklace inside.
Dia membuka dan menunjukkan kalung mutiara di dalamnya.
I said, "Pearl necklace?" "Yeah."
Saya berkata, "Kalung mutiara?" "Benar."
but also for giving it a pearl-like effect.
juga memberikan efek warna seperti mutiara.
mother of pearl.
indah dan penuh warna ini.
historians say the equal of Pearl Harbor or 9/11.
para sejarahwan berkata Sputnik setara dengan Pearl Harbor atau 9/11.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, it just took four days
Setelah pengeboman Pearl Harbor, hanya perlu empat hari
attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor.
menyerang Amerika Serikat di Pearl Harbor.
the pearl of the Israeli agriculture
mutiara dari pertanian Israel
"Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Johannes Vermeer,
"Gadis dengan anting mutiara" karya Johannes Vermeer,
is her pearl earring.
hanyalah anting mutiaranya.
a pair of pearl earrings.
sepasang anting mutiara.
So those are not her pearl earrings. Whose are they?
Jadi itu bukanlah miliknya. Lalu milik siapa?
that that pearl earring actually belongs to his wife.
bahwa anting mutiara itu sebenarnya adalah milik istrinya.
She's wearing his wife's pearl earring.
Dia memakai anting mutiara milik istrinya.
And that lack of resolution, the lack of resolution in "Girl with a Pearl Earring" --
Dan kekurangan resolusi itu, seperti pada "Gadis dengan Anting Mutiara" --