English to Indonesian
potentate | penguasa |
potential | kemampuan, mungkin, sanggup |
potential barrier | sawer potensial |
potential coefficient | koefisien potensial |
potential difference | beda-potensial |
potential divider | pembagi potensial |
potential drop | turun tegangan |
potential effect | efek potensiil |
potential energy | tenaga potensial |
potential flow | aliran potensial |
potential fuction | fungsi potensial |
potential gradient | gradien potensial |
potential hill | bukit potensial |
potential indicator | indikator potensial |
potential loss | rugi tegangan |
potential mediator | mediator potensial |
potential regulatlon | pengaturan tegangan |
potential scattering | hamburan potensial |
potential theory | teori-potensial |
potential transformator | transformator tegangan |
potent | |
adjective satellite |
having great influence
memiliki pengaruh besar
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Now the science behind this is so potent Kini, ilmu di balik hal ini sangat penting
shedding bright light on potent ideas, mencurahkan cahaya terang pada ide-ide yang kuat,
as potent as the Micronesian navigators, seampuh para navigator Mikronesia
It's a very potent weapon of mass destruction. Diare adalah senjata pemusnah massal yang sangat ampuh.
it's not potent; it's not going to protect them. vaksin ini tidak ampuh, tidak akan melindungi mereka.
the most potent things are actually very, very small. hal-hal yang paling ampuh pada kenyataannya adalah sangat-sangat kecil.
are a hundred times more potent seratus kali lebih ampuh
Voice: The moon is one of the most potent symbols of magic. Suara: Bulan adalah salah salah satu simbol sulap yang paling ampuh.
And I was actually a potent force Bahkan, saya sebenarnya merupakan tenaga potensial
the most potent trait that has ever evolved. ciri paling luar biasa hasil evolusi.