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English to Indonesian
prince pangeran, putera raja
prince consortsuami dr ratu yg bertahta
prince of darknesssyaitan
prince of peaceraja damai
princedomkedudukan pangeran, kesultanan
princelingkb. putera/pangeran yang muda.
princessputri raja, istri raja
a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign)
anggota laki-laki dari keluarga kerajaan selain berdaulat (terutama anak yang berdaulat)
source: WordNet 3.0


including, notably, the Prince of Wales.
terutama termasuk Pangeran Wales.
being fresh like the Fresh Prince,
segar seperti the Fresh Prince,
Sergey Brin: Oh, sorry, I just got this message from a Nigerian prince.
Sergey Brin: Oh, maaf, saya baru saja mendapat pesan ini dari seorang pangeran Nigeria.
that hit Port-au-Prince --
di Port-au-Prince --
I found myself in Port-au-Prince, leading a team
saya berada di Port-au-Prince, memimpin sekelompok
Clay was with us in Port-au-Prince. He was also with us in Chile.
Clay bersama kami di Port-au-Prince. Dia juga bersama kami di Chili.
And I am there with the three million in the streets of Port-au-Prince.
Dan aku di sana bersama tiga juta orang di jalanan Port-au-Prince.
the prince of any wine cellar.
pangeran dari setiap gudang wine.
in the employ of Prince Nikolaus Esterhazy, along with his orchestra.
bekerja untuk Pangeran Nikolaus Esterhazy bersama orkestranya.
Now this prince loved his music,
Pangeran itu menyukai musik
the prince decreed that the musicians' families,
pangeran itu menetapkan bahwa keluarga musisi,
Haydn remonstrated with the prince, but to no avail.
Hadyn memprotes keputusan itu, namun tidak ada hasilnya.
So given the prince loved his music,
Jadi karena pangeran menyukai musik,
I'm pleased to say, the prince did take the tip
Namun pangeran itu menangkap petunjuk
in his novel "Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia,"
di novelnya "Rasselas, Pangeran Abissinia,"
Prince Charles has some similarities with Nicole Kidman.
Pangeran Charles memiliki kemiripan dengan Nicole Kidman.
By the time the helicopter arrived at Prince Henry Hospital
Saat helikopter itu sampai di Rumah Sakit Prince Henry
The map of Port au-Prince at the end
Peta Port au-Prince pada akhir
We're focusing now on Port-au-Prince.
Sekarang kita memusatkan perhatian pada Port au-Prince.
to use if you're doing relief work in Port-au-Prince.
untuk digunakan jika Anda melakukan misi kemanusiaan di Port au-Prince.
when Arjuna, the great Indian warrior prince,
ketika Arjuna, ksatria pangeran India yang luar biasa
Prince wrote a great song: "Little Red Corvette."
Prince menulis lagu yang hebat, "Corvette Merah Kecil."
And there's this reference to "Le Petit Prince"
Dan ada juga referensi ke "Le Petit Prince"
where the narrator asks the prince to draw a sheep.
Dimana narator meminta pangeran untuk menggambar domba.