English to Indonesian
protective | bersifat melindungi |
protective cap | sarung pelindung |
protective clothing | pakaian pelindung |
protective colouring | kamuflase pelindung binatang |
protective cover | tabir perlindungan |
protective cultural | budaya perlindungan |
protective custody | pengawasan protektif |
protective foods | makanan menjaga kesehatan |
protective globe | balon pelindung |
protective response | tanggapan protektif |
protective screen | dinding pelindung |
protective spectacles | kacamata pelindung |
protective system | sistem pengamanan |
protective tarif | tarif proteksi industri |
protectively | secara melindungi |
protective | |
adjective |
intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind
dimaksudkan atau diadaptasi untuk memberi perlindungan dari beberapa jenis
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)We could make cars bigger, which is protective, but make them light. Kita dapat membuat mobil lebih besar, yang protektif, tetapi lebih ringan.
Are you established, traditional, nurturing, protective, Apakah kau mapan, tradisional, mengasuh, protektif,
it's in Scotland. It's behind a protective wall. di Skotlandia. Di belakang tembok pelindung.
fighting extremely close to the fire, and with no protective clothing. mereka sangat dekat dengan api itu tanpa perlengkapan pelindung.
I gotta tell you, I'm a protective parent. Saya harus bilang kepada Anda, saya orang tua yang protektif.
caffeine is protective to some extent; nobody knows why. kafeina cukup bersifat melindungi Anda; namun tidak seorangpun tahu mengapa.
Ask about what kind of protective equipment is available. Tanyakan perlengkapan pelindung apa yang ada.
What's the budget for protective equipment? Berapa dana untuk perlengkapan pelindung?