Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
restored memugar
restored tokembali


and cause the brain to be restored to its initial state --
dan otak kembali ke keadaan semula --
It's not even clear that a drug could cause this to be restored,
Bahkan belum jelas jika obat-obatan dapat memulihkan keadaan ini,
the city restored the site's
kota ini mengembalikan
And I had my vision restored,
Dan penglihatan saya kembali
And that was the year that they restored and re-released
Itu adalah tahun dimana mereka memperbaiki dan merilis ulang
who have restored self-confidence
yang telah memulihkan kepercayaan diri
it was the music that gave me -- that restored my soul.
Musiklah yang memberi dan mengembalikan jiwa saya.
the result being that the overfished species have been restored,
dan hasilnya, penangkapan ikan berlebihan telah dipulihkan,