English to Indonesian
rice cooker | alat masak nasi |
rice crusher | penghancur beras |
rice field | sawah, ladang |
rice grower | penanam padi |
rice mill | penggilingan beras |
rice pestle | alu |
rice powder | tepung beras |
rice straw | batang padi |
rice wine | sake |
rice-milling machine | kilang padi |
ricecooker | alat masakberas |
ricefield | sawah |
ricemill | gilingan padi |
rice | |
noun |
grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished
biji-bijian yang digunakan sebagai makanan baik kasar atau lebih sering dipoles
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)"Ackee rice salt fish are nice" -- "Ackee rice salt fish are nice" --
are living in a rice culture, hidup di persawahan,
but they know something that few people know in a rice culture. tapi mereka tahu sesuatu yang jarang diketahui orang tentang bertanam padi.
They know how to plant organic rice, Mereka tahu bagaimana menanam padi organik,
They're part of the rice cycle Mereka bagian dari siklus bertanam padi itu
This is called mud wrestling in the rice fields. Hal ini disebut gulat lumpur di tengah sawah.
leadership is like a panicle of rice. kepemimpinan itu ibarat rumpun padi.
You're going to be spending the rest of your life in the rice paddies. Kamu akan menghabiskan sisa hidupmu di sawah.
rice, sorghum -- beras, sorgum --
and small amounts of starch, usually rice. dan sedikit karbohidrat, biasanya nasi.
built on what was a rice paddy five years ago -- yg dibangun di atas tanah yg 5 tahun yg lalu adalah sawah --
all the different kinds of wheat and rice and such -- semua jenis gandum, padi, dan semacamnya --
and we have about 2 to 400,000 different varieties of rice, dan kita memiliki 200.000-400.000 varietas padi yang berbeda,
There's 70,000 samples of different varieties of rice Ada 70.000 sampel dari varietas padi yang berbeda
rice, potatoes, and the other crops, padi, kentang, dan tanaman pangan lain,
at Rice University in 1962 di Rice University pada tahun 1962
which was written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. karya Edgar Rice Burroughs.
And Edgar Rice Burroughs actually put himself Dan Edgar Rice Burroughs benar-benar menaruh dirinya sendiri
These Carter books always had Edgar Rice Burroughs as a narrator in it. Buku-buku Carter ini selalu mempunyai Edgar Rice Burroughs sebagai narator di dalamnya.
This is extraordinary. Because rice -- get this -- Hal ini luar biasa. Karena padi -- ketahuilah --
rice is known to have 38 thousand genes. padi diketahui mempunyai 38.000 gen.
The rice that you ate in the lunch, and you will eat today, Nasi yang Anda makan saat makan siang, dan akan Anda makan hari ini,
where rice growing takes place. di mana padi-padi tumbuh.
they're giving porridge, with a few grains of rice. mereka memberikan bubur, dengan beberapa butir nasi.
If you're in China, you might use a rice husk Jika Anda berada di Cina, anda mungkin menggunakan sekam padi
and not worry about peak rice hull or peak cottonseed hulls, dan tidak mengkhawatirkan tentang musim panen padi atau kapas,
if you remember Condoleezza Rice was at some event and she wore boots, jika Anda ingat Condoleezza Rice menghadiri suatu acara dengan mengenakan sepatu bot,
Just to give you grounds for comparison, rice: 35,000 genes. Untuk perbandingan saja, padi: 35 ribu gen.
about the size of a grain of rice, and yet it can do things sebesar bulir padi, kecil namun bisa melakukan banyak hal
with a brain that's the size of a grain of rice? yang hanya memiliki otak sebesar biji beras ini?