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English to Indonesian
rooftop kb. bubungan atap, nok.
the top of a (usually flat) roof
bagian atas atap (biasanya datar)
source: WordNet 3.0


Where? The rooftop of my apartment building,
Di mana? Di atap gedung apartemen saya,
or the young Chinese man who jumps off a rooftop
atau lelaki Cina yang melompat dari atap
It's on the rooftop, right on the corner there,
Sarang itu ada di atap, di sudut sebelah sana
and the idea of beekeeping in your own backyard or rooftop
dan ide untuk beternak lebah di halaman belakang atau atap rumah,
The bees in Boston on the rooftop of the Seaport Hotel,
Lebah di atap Hotel Seaport di Boston
These are three hives on the rooftop
Inilah 3 buah sarang di atap
They've had hives on the rooftop of their opera house
Sudah bertahun-tahun ada sarang lebah di atap gedung opera mereka
on a rooftop of a building inside the slums,
berada di atas sebuah bangunan dalam pemukiman kumuh,
And that rooftop did not have
Dan tidak memiliki atap