English to Indonesian
school fee | uang sekolah |
are school fees uniform and adalah uang sekolah seragam dan
or abolishment of school fees atau penghapusan iuran uang sekolah
school fees for their children biaya sekolah anak anak mereka
school fees medicines and biaya sekolah obat obatan dan
transport and school fees biaya transportasi dan biaya sekolah
information about the school fees informasi tentang iuran uang sekolah
because the dollar school fees karena biaya sekolah sebesar dollar
consumption needs children school fees kebutuhan konsumsi biaya sekolah anak
higher than the school fees lebih tinggi daripada uang sekolah
school fees from menarik iuran uang sekolah dari
explaining that school fees for menjelaskan bahwa biaya sekolah untuk
it is called school feeding program itu bernama school feeding
about the school fees and tentang iuran uang sekolah dan
school fees are also higher uang sekolah juga lebih tinggi
school fees uniform and shoes uang sekolah seragam dan sepatu