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ofkd. 1 a glass of milk segelas susu. 2 dari. 3 kurang. 4 akan. 5 untuk. 6 karena. 7 diantara.


of Advanced Mineral Extraction at the Royal School of Mines
dari Rio Tinto di Royal School of Mines
and the Glasgow School of Art.
dan Sekolah Seni Glasgow.
Visualization at the Glasgow School of Art.
dari Sekolah Seni Glasgow.
at the Bartlett School of Architecture,
di Bartlett School of Architecture.
That was actually caused by a school of parrot fish
yang sebenarnya disebabkan kumpulan ikan kakak tua yang masih belajar
from the Oxford School of -- Museum of History.
dari Sekolah -- Museum Sejarah Oxford.
and the School of Everything.
dan Sekolah untuk Semuanya.
then I'll put it all together, move it into the School of Clouds,
supaya saya bisa menaruh semuanya bersama, memindahkannya ke Sekolah Awan,