Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
season masa, musim
season ticketkarcis musiman
season-ticketkarcis langganan
seasonablesesuai dengan musim
seasonaltergantung pada musim, musiman
seasonal industryindustri musiman
seasonal migrationmigrasi musiman
seasonal tarifftarip-musiman
seasonal working capitalmodal kerja musiman
seasonallymenurut musim
seasonedmjd baik krn tua (kayu)
seasoned withmengandung
seasoningbumbu, rempah
a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field
periode tahun ditandai dengan acara khusus atau kegiatan di bidang tertentu
source: WordNet 3.0


it was the height of the best breeding season
itu bersamaan dengan puncak musim berkembang biak terbaik
or during at least this season, are apparently at the poles of Titan.
atau setidaknya saat ini, terlihat ada pada kutub-kutub dari Titan.
Because at the height of the season,
Di puncak musimnya, di masa
"A clay building is not able to stand a rainy season,
"Bangunan yang dibuat dari tanah liat tidak dapat bertahan di musim hujan,
And once the soil gets dried, you're in a dry season -- you get cracks,
Dan begitu tanah mengering, Anda memasuki musim kemarau, tanah merekah,
I suspect I would spend my off-season
saya bakal mengira akan menghabiskan masa lepas-musim
has a slightly different approach to the off-season.
memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dengan lepas-musim.
during the rainy season.
selama musim hujan.
advertisement during the peak of shopping season.
saat puncak musim berbelanja.
between one growing season and another.
antara musim tanam satu dan lainnya.
to the 1959/1960 television season.
ke musim televisi tahun 1959/1960.
It means in the 1966 television season,
Pada musim televisi tahun 1966,
the September 2001 television season,
musim televisi September 2001,
season after season for thousands of years.
dari musim ke musim selama ribuan tahun.
This past season,
Di musim terakhir ini,
Voice: My favorite season is winter.MT: Well yeah, mine too.
Suara: Musim favorit saya adalah musim dingin. MT: Ya, saya juga.
Every season, these designers have to struggle
Setiap musim, perancang-perancang ini bersaing
and it's now going into eight months of dry season.
dan sekarang sedang mengalami delapan bulan kering.
And watch the change as it goes into this long dry season.
Dan perhatikan perubahan yang terjadi selama musim kering yang panjang ini.
before the next growing season, and if it doesn't,
sebelum memasuki musim pertumbuhan berikutnya, dan jika tidak tumbuh,
it got that year, and it's going into the long dry season.
dan sekarang akan mengalami musim kering panjang.
And in the last season there were two women in the finalists.
Dan pada season terakhir ada dua orang wanita di babak final.
during the lean season, take the food out.
selama musim paceklik, ambillah makanan dari gudang.
They collect 100 thousand liters in one season.
Mereka mengumpulkan 100 ribu liter air dalam satu musim.
And it can collect six million gallons of rainwater in one season.
Benteng ini dapat mengumpulkan 6 juta galon air hujan dalam satu musim.
almost six million gallons of water per season.
hampir 6 juta galon air tiap musim.
every season, in the paddy season,
setiap musim, di musim tanam padi,
but those shows only lasted a season each,
namun acara-acara ini hanya tayang satu musim,
with blankets during the rainy season,
dengan selimut selama musim hujan,
at the end of a season,
di akhir musim,
Here, all this food comes off this farm, and at the end of the season
Banyak makanan yang dihasilkan pertanian ini, dan di akhir musim
against spider mites for the whole season
dari laba-laba kecil untuk satu musim,
that NBC parodied it on the season finale of "The Office,"
sehingga NBC memparodikannya dalam episode terakhir dari "The Office,"
but it moves with the season.
namun bergerak menurut musimnya.