Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
several beberapa, terpisah
several centuriesbeberapa abad
several daysuatu hari
several nights beforebeberapa malam sebelumnya
several nights laterbeberapa malam sebelumnya
several thingsbeberapa hal
several timesbeberapa kali
severallysecara terpisah
severally liablepertanggungan renteng
adjective satellite
(used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many
(Digunakan dengan kata benda hitungan) dari jumlah yang tak terbatas lebih dari 2 atau 3 tapi tidak banyak
source: WordNet 3.0


There are several million people dying of HIV and AIDS.
Ada beberapa juta orang meninggal akibat HIV dan AIDS.
Luckily, there are several species of milkweed that they can use,
Untungnya, ada beberapa spesies milkweed yang bisa dipakai,
We have done these experiments now over several years,
Kami telah bereksperimen bertahun-tahun
First you get one stone, then several more,
Pertama satu, lalu beberapa batu lagi,
and then of course this road will last several years
dan tentu saja jalanan ini akan bertahan beberapa tahun
Several times we can repeat that.
Kami dapat melakukannya beberapa kali.
We actually have several cases
Kita sebenarnya memiliki beberapa kasus
I had dinner with a Republican senator several months ago
Beberapa bulan lalu saya makan malam bersama seorang senator Partai Republik.
And if you record from several grid cells --
Dan jika Anda merekam dari beberapa sel grid --
And, you know, it happens for several reasons.
Dan, tahukah Anda, hal itu terjadi karena beberapa sebab.
to several hundred within the next three years.
membeli beberapa ratus dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun.
Now, during the boom, there were several
Kini, selama ledakan itu, ada beberapa
a new Main Street, several apartments
jalan utama baru, beberapa apartemen,
along with several other politically sensitive applications
dengan beberapa aplikasi politis sensitif lainnya
since several hundreds of thousands of years.
sejak beberapa ratus ribu tahun.
Now you don't find several thousand targets in that area.
Anda tidak akan menemukan banyak sasaran di daerah tersebut.
over several weeks of really hard labor.
dengan kerja keras berminggu-minggu.
the firing patterns of several cells,
pola pancaran dari beberapa sel
Most of Britain, all of Scandinavia, covered by ice several kilometers thick.
Sebagian besar Inggris, seluruh Skandinavia, tertutup es setebal beberapa kilometer.
several hours before it can be changed again.
beberapa jam sebelum popoknya diganti.
And they've done it several times too.
Dan mereka juga telah melakukannya beberapa kali.
It took me several years,
Selama beberapa tahun saya berada dalam kondisi yang buruk,
several times a week, from my home 3,000 miles away.
dari rumah saya yang berjarak 3.000 mil dari sana.
of several houses in Boston.
dari beberapa rumah di Boston.
For several days now,
Selama beberapa hari ini,
and for several months I had a British accent,
dan selama beberapa bulan saya punya aksen Inggris,
including several audio commentary tracks
termasuk beberapa rekaman komentar audio
There are several very good voices available for computers,
Tersedia beberapa suara komputer yang sangat bagus,
There are several reasons why this is interesting
Ada beberapa alasan mengapa hal ini menarik
that Microsoft has given in the past several years.
yang Microsoft telah berikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
several different groups of research scientists tried
karena beberapa kelompok peneliti yang berbeda mencoba
they found that several of those trials were unpublished.
mereka menemukan bahwa beberapa percobaan itu tidak diteribitkan.
I will be seeing you several times over the next few days.
Saya akan menemui Anda beberapa kali dalam beberapa hari ke depan.
It's one of my favorite ones, because we've done several stories on Bt corn.
Inilah salah satu favorit saya, karena kita telah membuat beberapa kisah pada gandum BT
It took several stages, in fact,
Dibutuhkan beberapa tahap, sebenarnya,
So for instance, several governments in Africa
Jadi, misalnya, beberapa pemerintah di Afrika
There are several people who own originals,
ada juga beberapa orang dengan yang asli,
So several months ago, a friend of mine sent me this link to this guy,
Jadi beberapa bulan lalu, seorang teman memberi tahu tentang orang ini,
and it's a question I asked several times,
dan ini adalah pertanyaan yang saya tanyakan kesekian kalinya,
This is a photograph several years later,
Ini adalah hasil fotografi beberapa tahun kemudian,
And we thought we'd probably have to look at several hundred
Kami rasa kami masih harus meneliti beberapa ratus lagi
Now, I had this brain scan done several years ago,
Beberapa tahun yang lalu otak saya dipindai,
who has, several times in the past year, been the number-one
dimana sudah menjadi nomor satu di beberapa tahun terakhir
Now several people at this conference
Beberapa orang dalam konferensi ini
that you've heard in the last several fabulous days
yang kalian dengar akhir-akhir ini
several different algorithms over the years.
beberapa algoritma yang berbeda beberapa tahun ini.
Now there's several thoughts. There's E. It could be I. It could be A,
Ada beberapa pemikiran. Ada E. Mungkin I. Mungkin A,
The computer found several texts --
Komputer menemukan beberapa teks --
So now, several hundred of these walking meetings later,
Jadi sekarang,setelah sekian ratus pertemuan berjalan,
This bacteria was discovered several years ago
Bakteri ini ditemukan beberapa tahun lalu