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English to Indonesian
sheet of paper lembar kertas
sheetselembar, sehelai, seprei
ofkd. 1 a glass of milk segelas susu. 2 dari. 3 kurang. 4 akan. 5 untuk. 6 karena. 7 diantara.
paperkertas, surat


is made from a single sheet of paper --
dibuat dari sehelai kertas,
If you were in the experiment, I would pass you a sheet of paper
Jika anda menjadi peserta experimen, saya akan memberi anda lembaran kertas
I would pass their sheet of paper.
Saya akan beri lembaran kertas.
Some people shredded half the sheet of paper,
Beberapa orang merobek lembaran mereka menjadi dua,
Some people shredded the whole sheet of paper.
Sebagian merobek seluruh kertas menjadi bagian-bagian kecil.
giving them a sheet of paper that has an organizational chart on it
memberikan mereka sehelai kertas berisikan struktur organisasi