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English to Indonesian
stock market bursa saham
stockpersediaan, ternak, keturunan, gagang
marketpasar, pasaran, keadaan pasar


for example, investing in the stock market.
contohnya, berinvestasi di pasar modal.
who controls a random stock market and random weather.
yang mengendalikan pasar saham dan cuaca secara acak.
of what's happening in the stock market right now,
tentang apa yang terjadi di pasar modal sekarang,
of the United States stock market,
pasar saham Amerika Serikat,
But other examples are traffic jams, stock market, society
Contoh lain adalah kemacetan, pasar saham, masyarakat
whether that's on the stock market,
apakah itu di bursa saham,
about the stock market situation we're in.
tentang situasi pasar modal kita pada saat ini.
about this and the stock market in a minute.
tentang ini dan kondisi pasar modal sebentar lagi.
Now, if we think about this in terms of the stock market,
Sekarang, jika kita memikirkan kembali tentang hal-hal ini di pasar modal,
in the stock market.
di dalam pasar modal.
and could really make an effect on the stock market,
dan dapat sangat mempengaruhi di pasar saham,