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English to Indonesian
stupid ks. bodoh, dungu, tolol. Don't be s. ! Jangan bodoh (begitu) ! How s. of me ! Alangkah tololnya saya ini ! -stupidly kk. (secara) tolol, berbuat bodoh. I s. left the key in the door Saya berlaku bodoh
stupid idiottolol
stupiditykb. (j. ties) ketololan, kebodohan, kedunguan.
stupidlydengan bodoh
lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
kurang atau ditandai oleh kurangnya ketajaman intelektual
source: WordNet 3.0


But he was right, it was a stupid idea.
Namun dia benar, itu ide yang bodoh.
But it was testably stupid.
Ide yang sangat sulit untuk diuji.
like my stupid Chinese character mistake.
seperti kesalahan bodoh yang saya lakukan dengan karakter Bahasa Cina.
I proposed this stupid story to National Geographic.
Saya menawarkan cerita bodoh ini ke National Geographic.
And you purposed this stupid story to National Geographic.
Dan kau menawarkan cerita bodoh ini ke National Geographic.
who wouldn't do anything stupid.
yang tidak akan bertindak bodoh.
to make people think about the stupid rules that we're following
untuk membuat orang berpikir tentang peraturan bodoh yang kita ikuti
TH: I'm sorry about my stupid voice there.
TH: Maafkan suara bodoh saya di video.
Just quickly: Aristotle, his thing was, "It’s not flat, stupid, it’s round."
Secara singkat, Aristoteles, katanya, bumi itu tidak rata, namun bulat.
And Hawkes: "it’s not earth, stupid, it’s ocean."
Dan Hawkes: Ini bukan tanah, tapi lautan.
Maybe he'd look stupid.
Mungkin dia akan terlihat bodoh.
you must be lazy or stupid.
maka Anda pasti malas atau bodoh.
"People do stupid things.
"Manusia melakukan hal-hal bodoh.
People do get HIV because they do stupid things,
Manusia terjangkit HIV karena melakukan hal-hal bodoh,
but most of them are doing stupid things
tapi kebanyakan dari mereka melakukan hal bodoh
drugs really make you stupid."
narkoba benar-benar membuat orang menjadi bodoh."
because of a stupid decision that's made by a politician,
karena keputusan bodoh yang dibuat oleh para politisi
to make that stupid decision
untuk mengambil keputusan bodoh tersebut
to stop politicians doing stupid things
untuk mencegah para politisi melakukan hal-hal bodoh
We was so, so stupid. The most stupid bacteria.
Kita pada saat itu, sangat-sangat bodoh, Bakteria yang sangat bodoh.
Can you imagine? From that stupid bacteria to us,
Bisakah anda bayangkan? Dari bakteria bodoh menjadi diri Kita,
especially if I make you or your company look stupid for doing it.
terutama kalau aku membuat Anda atau perusahaan Anda terlihat bodoh karena melakukan hal ini.
Oh my God, everybody can see I'm stupid. I didn't get invited to the Christmas party!"
atau "Semua orang tahu saya bodoh", "Saya tidak diundang ke pesta Natal itu!"
that brought it from being just a stupid joke
yang mengubahnya dari hanya sebuah lelucon bodoh
"Nevermore, stupid central planning."
"Tidak akan pernah lagi ada perencanaan terpusat yang bodoh."
Now I was stupid,
Waktu itu saya bodoh,
but not so stupid that I turned it down.
tapi tidak terlalu bodoh sampai menolak tawaran tadi.
they look extremely stupid.
mereka terlihat sangat bodoh.
But the insects aren't stupid,
Tapi serangga tidak bodoh,
It's this stupid concept of developing countries
Adalah konsep bodoh negara berkembang
and though I did not graduate from college doesn't mean I'm stupid,
dan berpikir kalau saya tidak lulus kuliah bukan berarti saya bodoh,
because you cannot be stupid and do very much in the world today.
karena Anda tidak mungkin bodoh dan melakukan banyak hal di dunia ini.
or, "Wow, how stupid was she,"
atau," Wow, dulu dia bodoh sekali,"
They call it stupid,
Mereka menyebutnya bodoh,
so that little kids like this don't do stupid things.
Sehingga anak-anak kecil seperti ini tidak melakukan hal-hal bodoh.
And it was fascinating, because they were not stupid people at all.
Menariknya, karena mereka bukan orang-orang bodoh.
A lot of our friends thought we were absolutely stupid to do that
Banyak teman kami berpikir kami benar-benar bodoh karena melakukan hal itu
I'm like, "That's stupid because you have to work for five hours.
saya pikir, "hal itu bodoh, sebab mereka harus bekerja lima jam.
and they did not do the incredibly stupid thing
dan mereka tidak melakukan hal yang sangat bodoh
too stupid or too lazy
terlalu bodoh atau terlalu malas
are selfish, stupid or lazy,
egois, bodoh, dan malas
If we do more in a kind of a stupid way,
Jika kita berbuat berlebihan secara bodoh,
I mean, even the stupid "reply all" regrets
Maksud saya, menyesali "balas ke semua" saja
I thought, "What a stupid website."
Pikir saya saat itu, "Situs bodoh!"
it's a stupid waste of the Earth's resources to put money towards that
menaruh uang di sana adalah pembuangan sumber daya bumi, padahal
I said that was stupid,
Saya berkata itu bodoh,
to say, if you can't show it with dodgeball teams, this is all stupid.
dimana kita berkata, jika ada tidak mampu menunjukannya dengan tim Dodgeball, maka ini semua bodoh.
And then they'll get stupid drunk
Lalu mereka mabuk-mabukan
that dinosaurs weren't the big, stupid, green reptiles
bahwa dinosaurus bukanlah reptil besar hijau yang bodoh
"This is completely stupid. What are we thinking?"
"Ini benar-benar bodoh. Apa yang kalian pikirkan?"