English to Indonesian
swallow | menelan, percaya, menghabiskan |
swallow a story | sangat mempercaya s cerita |
swallow a story hook,line & side | menelan mentah seluruh ceriter |
swallow an affront | menerima makian begitu saja |
swallow down | menelan |
swallow the anchor | berhenti bekerja di laut |
swallow the bait | tertipu |
swallow up | menelan |
swallow with | menimbun/ menggenangi |
swallow words | mengingkari janji |
swallowed | menelan |
swallowed a story | sangat mempercayai s cerita |
swallowed a story hook | menelan mentah seluruh ceriter |
swallowed an affront | menerima makian begitu saja |
swallowed down | menelan |
swallowed the anchor | berhenti bekerja di laut |
swallowed up | menelan |
swallowed with | menimbun/ menggenangi |
swallowing | menelan |
swallowing a story hook | mencerna mentah-2 |
swallowing an affront | menerima makian begitu saja |
swallow | |
verb |
pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking
melewati kerongkongan sebagai bagian dari makan atau minum
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)The pack has got to be able to swallow its ego, Kawanan ini pasti bisa menelan egonya sendiri,
because the truth is hard to swallow. karena kenyataan sangat sulit untuk ditelan.
that I might try to swallow today and finally gave up on, yang mungkin saya coba telan hari ini namun akhirnya menyerah --
as a huge dune threatened to swallow it. karena terancam tertelan bukit pasir besar.
You swallow an aspirin. Anda menenggak sebuah aspirin.