Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
take off mengejek


'Is now the time to take off my pants?'"
"Apakah sekarang saatnya untuk melepas celana saya?"
You take off and land at a local airport.
Anda lepas landas dan mendarat di bandara lokal.
aren't going to take off.
tidak semuanya akan berhasil.
And it started to take off. And you can see that the units
Dan kemudian mulai melambung. Dan Anda bisa lihat unitnya
you either fight back and engage or you could take off.
melawan dan berperang atau lari.
Soon, my business really started to take off.
Tak lama, bisnis saya mulai lepas landas.
because the moon shots would take off, and this thing would move on rails.
karena ketika citra bulan muncul, teleskop itu bergerak di relnya.
which are really starting to take off in the U.S.,
yang mulai terkenal di Amerika Serikat,
to continue their service when they take off their uniform.
meneruskan tugas mereka saat berhenti dari penugasan.
but it can't actually take off
tapi tidak terbang,
They can make them go left, right. They can make them take off.
Mereka bisa membuatnya ke kiri atau kanan, membuatnya terbang.
Then you take off.
Lalu Anda lepas landas.
Both are viable; both take off.
Semuanya bagus dan berhasil.
I take off from Wisconsin
saya meninggalkan Wisconsin
When did the randoms -- when did the friends take off
Kapan sampel acak... kapan teman mereka memisahkan diri