English to Indonesian
tea | teh |
tea break | istirahat minum teh |
tea cloth | taplak meja kecil, serbet, kain lap |
tea cosy | tutup teko |
tea leaves | daun teh |
tea party | pesta minum teh |
tea plantation | perkebunan teh |
tea-room | kedai teh |
tea-things | peralatan utk minum teh |
teacart | kb. meja kecil beroda untuk menghidangkan makanan atau minuman seperti teh. |
teach | mengajar, melatih |
teach a lesson on | mengajar tentang |
teach grandmother to such eggs | menasehati yang lebih berpengalaman |
teachable | dapat diajarkan |
teacher | kb. guru, pengajar. |
teachership | keguruan |
teaching | ajaran, mengajar |
teaching accountant | akuntan pendidik |
teaching assistant | assisten pengajar |
teaching grandmother to such eggs | menasehati yang lebih berpengalaman - |
teacup | kb. cangkir teh. |
tea | |
noun |
a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water
minuman yang dibuat oleh seduhan daun teh dalam air
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)16th century Japanese tea house. rumah teh jepang abad ke-16.
When she got up to make tea, she placed him in my own lap Ketika neneknya berdiri untuk membuat teh, dia menaruh Herbert dipangkuan saya
of coffee and tea through British culture, dari kopi dan teh sepanjang kebudayaan Inggris,
as England switched to tea and coffee. saat Inggris beralih ke teh dan kopi.
she puts up a little cup of coffee or cup of tea dia menyiapkan segelas kopi atau teh
and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, dan puisi video bukan minat Anda,
When kids play tea party, or they play cops and robbers, Waktu anak kecil bermain pesta minum teh, atau mereka bermain polisi dan pencuri,
for tea -- untuk membuat teh
and I ordered a cup of green tea with sugar. dan memesan secangkir teh hijau manis.
"One does not put sugar in green tea." "Biasanya teh hijau tidak pakai gula."
But I really like my tea sweet." Tapi saya sedang ingin yang manis."
in green tea." ke dalam teh hijau."
"that the Japanese do not put sugar in their green tea, "orang Jepang tidak mencampur gula dengan teh hijau.
in my green tea." ke teh hijau saya."
Well, since I couldn't have my tea the way I wanted it, Karena saya tidak mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan,
a cup of sweet, green tea secangkir teh hijau manis
Let's face it: the way I wanted my tea Kalau mau jujur : apa yang saya minta
with my dog curled up at my feet, a cup of tea in my hand, bersama anjing saya dan secangkir teh di tangan saya,
green tea, sugar, teh hijau, gula,
So we start by brewing the tea. Jadi kita memulai dengan menyeduh teh.
I brew up to about 30 liters of tea at a time, Saya menyeduh sekitar 30 liter teh sekaligus,
So the color in this jacket is coming purely from green tea. Lalu warna di jaket ini didapat hanya dari teh hijau.
But he gave me a cup of tea. Namun dia memberikan secangkir teh.
at high tea at The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. pada acara minum teh di Hotel Four Seasons di Chicago.
and you put tea in, dan memasukkan teh,
The water then seeps over the tea. kemudian air menyesap ke seluruh teh.
And the tea is sitting in this stuff to the right -- Dan tehnya berada di sebelah kanan ini --
the tea is to the right of this line. tehnya ada di sebelah kanan garis ini.
There's a little ledge inside, so the tea is sitting there Ada pijakan kecil di dalamnya, jadi teh akan jatuh di sana
And when the tea is ready, or almost ready, you tilt it. Saat teh siap, atau hampir siap, Anda miringkan tekonya.
And that means the tea is partially covered Itu artinya teh akan tenggelam sebagian
and now the tea is -- you remember -- above this line dan sekarang tehnya -- Anda ingat -- di atas garis
and so it keeps the tea out. jadi teh tetap berada di luar
Some of my favorite things, like chocolate and tea, blueberries, Beberapa hal favorit saya, seperti cokelat dan teh, blueberry,
Ladies and gentlemen, it's nearly time for tea. Para hadirin sekalian, sudah hampir saatnya istirahat.
Would you reckon you need to sing for your tea, I think? Kita anggap saja Anda harus bernyanyi agar dapat minum teh saat istirahat. Bagaimana?
I think we need to sing for our tea. Saya rasa kita harus bernyanyi sebelum istirahat.
to the Tea Party as it is to Occupy Wall Street. bagi Tea Party dengan isu Occupy Wall Street.
I took a Conservative Tea Party woman to lunch. saya mengajak seorang wanita dari gerakan Tea Party Konservatif makan siang.
My Tea Party lunchmate and I Saya dan teman makan siang saya
with hotels and tea companies in Oregon dengan hotel-hotel dan perusahaan teh di Oregon
You must have taken tea in the morning. Anda pasti pernah minum teh di pagi hari.
The leaves of the tea, plucked from the bushes; Daun teh, diambil dari pohonnya.
there are a lot of people who sell tea on the shack banyak orang yang menjual teh di gubuk-gubuk.
and, obviously, there's a limited market for tea. dan, jelas, pasar untuk teh terbatas,
Every morning you have tea, as well as coffee. Setiap pagi Anda minum teh, juga kopi.
? I brought the iced tea; ? ? Saya membawa es teh; ?
Maybe it was just that they could put sugar in their tea Mungkin mereka hanya mampu menambahkan gula ke dalam teh