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English to Indonesian
the same as sama halnya
thekst. itu. T. elephant is an animal Gajah adalah seekor binatang. t. show pertunjukan itu. -kk. if both of you come so much t. better Kalau kamu berdua datang, tiu lebih baik lagi.
samesama, serupa
assama, ketika, sambil, karena, berhubung, walaupun, meskipun, seperti, mirip, laksana


is about the same as the difference
sama dengan perbedaan
it's the same as the World Bank has --
sama dengan data yang dimiliki Bank Dunia --
is not the same as the physiology of those cells
tidaklah sama dengan fisiologi sel tersebut
which is the same as a Chinese eight-year-old.
yang sama dengan seorang Cina berusia 8 tahun.
is the same as the Philippines.
setara dengan di Filipina.
almost exactly the same as what you would get in a school.
hampir sama persis dengan apa yang akan Anda dapatkan di sekolah.
are basically about the same as the Earth's magnetic field.
pada dasarnya sama dengan medan magnet Bumi.
Is the shape on the left the same as the shape on the right, rotated?
Apakah benda di kiri sama dengan benda di kanan, tapi diputar?
and it's not the same as laminar.
dan aturan itu tidak sama dengan laminer.
roughly the same as gas and oil.
kira-kira sama dengan bisnis gas dan minyak.
and just the same as each other.
namun juga memiliki kesamaan satu sama lain.
And it costs the same as a normal syringe.
Dan harganya sama dengan jarum suntik biasa.
I would wager that their IQ is exactly the same as the average evolutionist.
saya berani bertaruh IQ mereka sama dengan rata-rata orang-orang yang percaya teori evolusi.
Unconscious bias is not the same as conscious discrimination.
Prasangka bawah sadar tidak sama dengan diskriminasi sadar.
almost the same as aviation's.
hampir sama seperti pesawat terbang.
And they'll be the same as the symmetries of the triangle,
Dan mereka akan sama seperti simetri-simetri dari segitiga,
is just the same as any other hydrostatic skeleton.
ternyata sama dengan rangka hidrostatik yang lain.
and the same as a gorilla.
dan sama dengan jumlah kromosom gorila.
T, see it's the same as F in music.
T, sama dengan nada F dalam musik.
So T, E, D is the same as F, E, D.
T, E, D sama dengan F, E, D.
is about the same as from Monterey to these things.
kira-kira sama dengan dari Monterey ke benda-benda ini,
It's the same as Saudi Arabia or Russia.
Sama seperti Arab Saudi dan Rusia.
that's the same as a 737 falling out of the sky every working day.
hal ini sama dengan pesawat 737 jatuh dari langit setiap hari kerja.
It's about the same as yours and mine.
Sama dengan suhu tubuh kita.
and it's not the same as this.
dan suasananya berbeda dari saat ini.