English to Indonesian
three of | sebanyak tiga |
three | kb. 1 tiga. the Big T. (Negara) Tiga Besar. 2 tiga orang. Only t. came Hanya tiga orang yang datang. -ks. tiga. t. books tiga buku. |
of | kd. 1 a glass of milk segelas susu. 2 dari. 3 kurang. 4 akan. 5 untuk. 6 karena. 7 diantara. |
Example(s)So we have three of world's top economists write about climate change. Jadi kita miliki tiga ekonomis top dunia menulis tentang perubahan iklim.
Three of the world's top experts saying, what can we do? Tiga ahli top dunia berkata, apa yang bisa kita lakukan?
three of whom here are force-feeding penguins. tiga di antaranya sedang mencekoki penguin ini.
So three of those penguins -- Peter, Pamela and Percy -- Jadi tiga dari penguin itu -- Peter, Pamela dan Percy --
We've gone from being three of us Tim kami mulai dari 3 orang
the three of us still in the same bed. di ranjang yang sama.
only three of them. tiga di antaranya.
Those are the drogue chutes. He had three of them. Itulah parasutnya. Ada 3 parasut yang dibawanya.
Only three of the negative trials were published, Hanya tiga dari hasil yang buruk ini diterbitkan,
Because liberals reject three of these foundations. Karena liberal menolak tiga landasan tersebut.
rapidly eradicated all three of their polio viruses, berhasil memberantas ketiga virus polio dengan cepat,
and I will show you three of those today, dan saya akan menunjukkan tiga di antaranya,
three of them, they learned about a region in India ketiganya mengetahui tentang suatu daerah di India
three of these non-visual user interfaces. tiga dari user interface non-visual ini.
Three of the key people in this project, Tiga orang kunci dalam proyek ini,
Both my brother and sister and I, all three of us own companies as well. Sudara laki-laki dan perempuan saya pengusaha, dan kami bertiga memiliki perusahaan
All three of the founders of Netscape had it. ketiga pendiri Netscape juga mengidapnya.
He groomed us, the three of us, maka ayah mendidik saya, kami bertiga,
I want to share three of those questions with you today. Saya ingin membagikan tiga pertanyaan itu pada hari ini.
There's three of them who are not just re-creating ancient species, Ada tiga di antaranya yang tidak hanya menciptakan kembali spesies kuno,
with three of the people who are here tonight. bersama tiga orang yang ada di sini malam ini.
really about three of them. dengan tiga bahan-bahan tadi.
It has one in three of its children living in poverty, Satu dari tiga anak di wilayah ini hidup dalam kemiskinan.
So I want you to meet three of our students. Saya ingin memperkenalkan tiga siswa saya.
The last three of the five, I've grouped together. Tiga hal terakhir dari lima telah saya kelompokkan bersama.
We're only going to talk about three of them. Kita hanya akan membahas tiga di antaranya.
three of them sustain us. tiga di antaranya menopang kita.
And for all three of these, I believe, Untuk ketiga hal ini, saya percaya,
all three of which focused on depression, semua percobaan ini berfokus pada depresi,