Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
toothed bergigi
toothed gearingtransmisi roda gigi
toothed rackbatang bergigi
toothed wheelrodagigi
toothed wheel boxlemari rodagigi
toothed-wheelroda gigi
having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination
memiliki gigi terutama dari sejumlah tertentu atau jenis; sering digunakan dalam kombinasi
source: WordNet 3.0


so it wasn't just, "Oh my God, there's a saber-toothed tiger,"
bukan sekedar, "Ya Tuhan, ada harimau bertaring,"
perennial with sharply toothed triangular
abadi dengan tajam bergigi segitiga
hairy somewhat toothed leaves and
agak bergigi hairy daun dan
pungent scaly or toothed roots
akar bersisik atau bergigi tajam
angularly toothed as certain leaves
angularly bergigi seperti daun tertentu
or shallowly lobed toothed leaves
atau bercuping dangkal bergigi daun
fine toothed power saw with
baik bergigi daya melihat dengan
leafless toothed stems resembling cacti
batang bergigi mulai menyerupai kaktus
stems and toothed leaves that
batang dan bergigi daun yang
stems and minutely spiny toothed
batang dan teliti berduri bergigi
white stems and toothed leaves
batang putih dan daun bergerigi
succulent leafless toothed stems resembling
batang sukulen bergigi berdaun menyerupai
european beech with minutely toothed
beech eropa dengan teliti bergigi
velvety brownish green toothed leaves
beludru coklat hijau daun bergigi
various small toothed whales with
berbagai paus bergigi kecil dengan
shallowly lobed toothed leaves and
bercuping dangkal bergigi daun dan