English to Indonesian
triple | tiga kali lipat |
triple block | blok tiga-cakera |
triple cable | kabel tiga-antaran |
triple cord | snur listrik rangkap tiga |
triple cup-insulator | isolator rangkap tiga |
triple expansion engine | mesin ekspansi tiga ganda |
triple expansion-engine | mesin ekspansi tiga ganda |
triple fold | rangkap tiga |
triple riveted seam | kampuh tigaganda |
triple thread | ulir sekerup tiga jalan |
triple-engined | bermotor tiga |
triple-pole | sakelar tiga kutub |
tripled | melipat tigakan |
triplet | kembar tiga |
triplet state | keadaan kembar-tiga |
triplex | berlapis tiga |
triplex glass | kaca tripleks |
triplex plate | pelat-tripleks |
triple | |
noun |
a base hit at which the batter stops safely at third base
hit basis di mana adonan berhenti dengan aman di base ketiga
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Oh, finishing up with triple-zero steel wool. Oh ya, dan menyelesaikan dengan katun besi triple-zero.
Put them on and your productivity goes back up to triple what it would be. Pasanglah dan produktivitas anda akan kembali ke tingkat yang seharusnya.
So we've got triple the space, Jumlah ruangan yang kita miliki menjadi 3 kali lipat
This is expected to double, triple or maybe quadruple Ini diperkirakan akan meningkat dua, tiga, bahkan empat kali lipat
And this is where it becomes true triple bottom line. Dan di sinilah mulai terjadi tiga pilar (orang, planet, ekonomi)
And this is the true triple bottom line, Dan di sinilah benar-benar terjadi tiga pilar,
That's triple bottom line! Okay? Benar-benar tiga pilar! Okay?
until they topped out at triple the pre-fine average, hingga tiga kali nilai rata-rata sebelum diberlakukan denda
at between double and triple the pre-fine average antara dua kali dan tiga kali.