Kamus Mobile
English to Indonesian
vacuum cleanerpenghisap debu
vacuum distillationdestilasi dalam vakum
vacuum flasktermos
vacuum gaugepengukur hampa udara
vacuum polarizationpolarisasi hampa
vacuum pressuretekanan hampa
vacuum spaceruang hampa
vacuum-cleaneralat pengisap debu
vacuum-packeddimasukkan kaleng hampa
vacuum-tubetabung elektron
vacuumvalvekatup udara
the absence of matter
ketiadaan dari bahan-
source: WordNet 3.0


is that each thing doesn't happen in a vacuum.
adalah setiap hal tidak terjadi sendiri-sendiri
and then we put it in a vacuum and sucked out all the air,
dan kita menempatkannya di vakum dan menyedot udara keluar,
For example, I get people to dress up their vacuum cleaners.
Misalnya, saya mengajak orang-orang mendandani penghisap debu mereka.
in a vacuum.
yang kosong.
I found Wal-Marts, vacuum cleaners,
Saya melihat Wal-Marts, penyedot debu,
You're in a near vacuum in that environment,
Anda hampir berada di ruang hampa udara
that it was more than vacuum cleaners,
bahwa Hoover tidak hanya sekedar penyedot debu,
they can live in a vacuum.
Mereka bisa hidup di ruang hampa udara.
Because cities are the vacuum cleaners and the magnets
Kota ibarat pembersih debu atau magnet
and didn't vacuum the visitor's lounge
dan tidak memvakum ruang tunggu pengunjung
of "suck" that was in there, it does create a vacuum.
dari "suck" adalah menghisap, listrik menciptakan ruang hampa.
And nature really does abhor a vacuum.
Dan alam tidak menyukai ruang hampa.
Credit cards, robot vacuum cleaners.
Kartu kredit, robot penyedot debu.
a vacuum bag, add a little bit of seaweed,
ke dalam kantong hampa udara, menambah sedikit
You can't see light. When it's dark, in a vacuum,
Anda tidak dapat melihat cahaya. Pada kondisi gelap, di ruang hampa,
There is a total vacuum of creative capital in Bertie County.
Terdapat kemandegan kapital kreatif di Bertie County.
that this vacuum of time somehow would
bahwa kekosongan waktu ini akan berjalan
Or "Living in existential vacuum; it sucks."
Atau, "Hidup yang kosong tanpa makna, itu menyebalkan."
In 1950s they were shrinking vacuum tubes,
Pada tahun 1950, mereka menyusutkan tabung vakum,
they couldn't shrink the vacuum tube any more and keep the vacuum.
Mereka tidak bisa menyusutkan tabung vakum lagi sambil tetap menjaga vakumnya.
And that was the end of the shrinking of vacuum tubes,
Itulah akhir penyusutan tabung vakum.
Most of them operate in a complete information vacuum.
Sebagian besar mereka beroperasi di ruang hampa informasi.