English to Indonesian
which the | yang mana |
which | yang mana |
the | kst. itu. T. elephant is an animal Gajah adalah seekor binatang. t. show pertunjukan itu. -kk. if both of you come so much t. better Kalau kamu berdua datang, tiu lebih baik lagi. |
Example(s)of which the Against Malaria Foundation is number one. seperti "the Against Malaria Foundation" (Yaysan Melawan Malaria) di urutan pertama.
which he never built, but which the Science Museum yang tidak pernah dia buat, namun dibuat oleh Museum Ilmiah
with which the symphony of the universe is written. dengannya simfoni alam semesta ditulis.
or even the drop at the edge of a table, which the animals are running around. atau bahkan tepi dari meja, di mana binatang itu berlarian.
in which the United States government and some companies have handled Wikileaks. pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan beberapa perusahaan dalam menghadapi Wikileaks.
are the areas in which the wires are running through. adalah daerah di mana kabel-kabel itu berada.
And the rate at which the Arctic Sea ice is going away is a lot quicker than models. Dan laju menghilangnya es di Laut Arktik sebenarnya jauh lebih cepat daripada modelnya.
We live in a world in which the most culturally innocuous symbols, Kita hidup di dunia dengan simbol yang paling tak berbahaya secara budaya
in which the kids got the same dosage, the same 12 sessions, di mana anak-anak ini mendapatkan yang sama, 12 sesi,
to which the whalers had not been paying attention. yang tidak diperhatikan oleh para pemburu ikan paus.
at the components from which the system is made pada komponen dimana sistem itu dibuat,
which the waiter brought over promptly. yang langsung disediakan si pelayan.
around which the audience gathers di sekeliling kumpulan penonton
which the student will then compute. yang lalu akan dihitung oleh murid tersebut.
into a disorderly flight, of which the shameful example menjadi perkelahian tanpa aturan, dimana contoh yang memalukan
in which the fungus kills the trees. dari pohon pohon yang mati terbunuh oleh jamur.
in which the cluster is embedded, OK. di mana kumpulan galaksi ini terikat.
in which the art buyer was happy di mana pembeli seni senang
in which the majority of people di mana sebagian besar orang
there could be a second state in which the Higgs field kemungkinan ada bentuk kedua di mana medan partikel Higgs
in which the U.S. election stalled dengan Amerika ketika pemilihan
And then we have stage 12, which the textbooks call "packaging," Dan kita kini di tahap 12, di buku-buku teks disebut "pengemasan,"
was one in which the air molecules were just spread out evenly everywhere -- adalah bahwa molekul udara menyebar secara merata di mana saja --
one in which the food actually tastes good. yang rasa produk makanannya terbukti enak.
of which the range of visible light dimana rentang gelombang cahaya kasat mata
on which the astronauts left their footprints. di mana para astronot meninggalkan jejak kaki mereka.
which the United Nations High Commission for Refugees yang Komisi Tinggi PBB untuk Urusan Pengungsi
and an environment in which the others dan sebuah lingkungan di mana makhluk lain
in which the pregnant woman, when she's seven or eight months pregnant, di mana wanita hamil, saat usia kehamilannya tujuh atau delapan bulan,
is the ways in which the south is re-identifying itself, adalah cara cara di mana Selatan mencari kembali jati dirinya sendiri,
in which the nations of Earth banded together to protect the planet di mana negara-negara di dunia bekerja sama untuk melindungi planet ini
in which the various donors, di mana berbagai donor
which the Serious Fraud Office tried to prosecute, di mana Kantor Penipuan Serius mencoba menuntut
in which the essayist wrote, "In everything, di mana sang pujangga menuliskan, "Di dalam semuanya,
which the power of mathematical language allows you to create. di mana kekuatan bahasa matematika memperbolehkan anda untuk mencipta.
by the extent to which the slums melihat betapa gubuk-gubuk kumuh
I become the medium through which the music is being channeled, Saya menjadi medium dari musik ini,
in which the motors stay off, di mana motor itu tetap diam,
and which the Internet is purpose-built to answer, dan yang mana internet telah dibangun untuk menjawabnya,
to which the community, the whole community, listens to. yang didengar oleh suatu komunitas, seluruh komunitas.
in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined. di mana untaian-untaian dari budaya berbeda saling terkait.
in which the people who had been causing, if you will, di mana orang-orang yang telah menyebabkan, jika Anda inginkan,
was the process by which the nurses took the bandage off me. adalah cara perawat melepaskan perban dari badan saya.
the likes of which the world has never seen. yang mana tidak pernah dilihat dunia sebelumnya.
which the gut is concerned with. ketidaknyamanan pencernaan.
from which the body will absorb the fat. di mana tubuh akan menyerap lemak.
in which the government negotiated a peace di mana pemerintah merundingkan perdamaian
is the one in which the oppressor adalah di mana pelakunya
which the U.N. is helping Cambodia take on, di mana PBB membantu warga Kamboja untuk menuntut,
in which the Greek city state system di mana sistem negara kota Yunani