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woods hutan
woodshedkb. gudang (tempat menyimpan) kayu.
the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area
pohon dan tanaman lain di daerah berhutan besar padat
source: WordNet 3.0


Brandi Carlile: ? Have you ever wandered lonely through the woods? ?
Brandi Carlile: ? Apa kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan? ?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ?
? Jika kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan ?
? If you've ever wandered lonely through the woods ?
? Jika kau pernah berjalan sendirian di hutan ?
And Tiger Woods, for a long time,
Dan Tiger Woods, sudah lama,
the Bretton Woods institutions, as they're called, The World Bank,
Institusi Bretton Woods, atau yang disebut dengan Bank Dunia,
to establish the Bretton Woods institutions,
untuk mendirikan lembaga-lembaga Bretton Woods,
One tree is a tree. Two trees together, we have the woods.
Satu pohon adalah pohon. Dua pohon berarti belukar.
met in Woods Hole, Massachusetts
yang bertemu di Woods Hole, Massachusetts
is a mere babe in the woods.
masi hanya seorang bayi di hutan ini.
everywhere we travel through the digital woods.
setiap kita menjelajahi "hutan" digital.
around following us through the digital woods
yang bertujuan membuntuti kita melewati "hutan" digital
and following you through the digital woods.
dan mengikuti anda melalui "hutan-hutan" digital.
to ditch Tiger Woods in such
memutus Tiger Woods dengan cara
watched my cohorts die on beaches and woods that look and feel
menyaksikan rekan-rekan saya mati di pantai dan hutan yang terlihat dan terasa
Panbanisha is longing to go for a walk in the woods.
Panbanisha ingin berjalan-jalan di hutan.
"A frame" represents a hut in the woods.
"Bingkai A" mewakili sebuah gubuk di hutan.
Video: This lexigram also refers to a place in the woods.
Video: Lexigram ini juga mengacu pada sebuah tempat di hutan.
out of the woods" — this is her brother and sister — "If I came
"Jadi jika saya keluar dari hutan." -- inilah saudara-saudaranya --
out of the woods, Avalon and Donovan might be gone." "Yes."
"Jika saya keluar dari hutan, Avalon dan Donovan mungkin hilang," "Iya."
Data: A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods.
Data: Beberapa pemburu dari New Jersey ada di dalam hutan.