Indonesian to English
alam baka | afterlife |
alam baka/selanjutnya | hereafter |
alam mimpi | dreamland |
alam mistik | the spirit world |
alam semesta | cosmos |
alam semesta memuai | expanding universe |
alam yang amat luas | vast expanse of nature |
alam-semesta kosong | empty universe |
alamat | address |
alamat kawat | cable address |
alamat penerima | notify addres |
alamat pengirim | return address |
alamat pengiriman | shipping address |
alamat resmi | formal address |
alamat rumah | home address |
alamat tagih | billing address |
alamat telegram | telegraphic address |
alami | natural |
alamiah | natural, concerned with nature |
alam[i] | nature |
Contohalam semesta ini of the universe
Ini alami dari alam, tanah liat ini. This is natural from the environment, this clay.
mencari kehidupan entah dimana di alam semesta, okay, look for life elsewhere in the universe, okay,
hadir di alam semesta. Terimakasih. out there in the universe. Thank you.
Di sini terlihat bahwa sudah menjadi hukum alam There seems to be a rule in nature
berhasil kembali ke alam liar. were successfully returned to the wild.
Tuhan yang menguasai seluruh alam semesta menginginkan rotiku?" God, the one who rules the entire universe, wants my bread?"
bukan hanya memberitahu kita kehebatan alam not just because it tells us something cool about nature,
pada seluruh alam semesta dan sejarah 13.7 miliaran tahunnya. throughout the universe and its 13.7 billion year history.
dan ini mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap perasaan kita tentang alam semesta, and it had an enormous impact on our sense of place in the universe,
Ada banyak molekul yang terdapat di alam, Well there are many molecules that exist in nature,
Ada ganggang tertentu yang hidup di alam, There's a certain alga that swims in the wild,
dengannya simfoni alam semesta ditulis. with which the symphony of the universe is written.
Alam semesta "ditulis dalam bahasa matematika." The universe "is written in the mathematical language."
adalah setelah bencana alam is that after a natural catastrophe,
Jadi alam tidak menghasilkan sampah So nature doesn't create waste
Semua yang ada di alam digunakan dalam siklus tertutup yang terus menerus Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle
Jim dan Shirley menunjuk cagar alam ACR Jim and Shirley chose ACR nature preserves
dan ACR akan menjaga alam liar ini selamanya." and ACR's going to take care of your wildlife forever."
tentang pentingnya cagar alam liar about the significance of the wildlife refuge
ketika seorang naturalis merasa menyatu dengan alam, when a naturalist feels at one with nature,
Dan ketika Freud menemukan sisi alam bawah sadarnya, And when Freud discovered his sense of the unconscious,
tentang alam bawah sadar -- tentang siapa kita sebenarnya. of the unconscious, of who we are deep inside,
apa bahan penyusun alam semesta. what the building blocks of the universe are.
bahwa tidak ada misteri di alam, that there are no mysteries in nature,
Apa yang kita lihat adalah sebuah fenomena alam. What we saw was a natural experiment.
Namun tentu saja di alam But nothing, of course, in nature
yaitu perjalanan untuk memahami alam semesta which is the quest to understand the universe
"Alam Semesta dan Dr. Einstein" -- "The Universe and Dr. Einstein" --
akan alam semesta at the universe
agar kita dapat memahami alam semesta. in order for us to understand this universe.
Diagram ini menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan kita akan alam semesta. but it sets up the state of our knowledge of the cosmos.
yang menyusun 4 persen dari alam semesta. and that's four percent of the universe.
bahwa ada sesuatu yang disebut materi gelap di alam semesta, that there is something called dark matter in the universe,
yang menyusun 23 persen dari alam semesta, which makes up 23 percent of the universe,
Jadi jika Anda melihat pada diagram ini, 96 persen dari alam semesta, So if you look at this pie chart, 96 percent of the universe,
Jika materi gelap ada di alam semesta kita, If dark matter exists in our universe,
bagaimana pemuaian alam semesta berubah terhadap waktu. how the expansion of the universe is changing with time.
tentang energi gelap -- penyusun alam semesta -- apa itu sebenarnya. what this dark energy that the universe is made of is all about.
memelopori pengintegrasian alam ke kota-kota. pioneered integrating nature into the cities.
yang baru dari alam liar. fresh from the wild.
sehingga kita adalah keajaiban paling menakjubkan di alam semesta. and that we were the most incredible miracle in the universe.
di alam semesta. in the universe.
terdapat di dalam alam semesta is encoded into the universe,
Dan di alam semesta yang mengandung karbon And in a universe where carbon exists
kerumitan dari materi di alam semesta? the sophistication of matter in the universe?
tentang kemungkinan bahwa alam semesta tidak perlu karbon untuk membuat kehidupan; that it's possible that the universe doesn't need carbon to be alive;
Dan apakah hal itu berarti di alam semesta And what does that mean in a universe
Namun alam mempunyai cara kerasnya sendiri, But nature had its wicked way,
meniru alam ke dalam lab. copying nature in the lab.