Indonesian to English
almarhum | the late, the deceased |
almarhum ayahku | my poor father |
almarhum/cara lama | defunct |
almarhumah | see "almarhum" |
Contohdari almarhum Arthur C. Clarke, from the late Arthur C. Clarke,
Kita dapat melihat pada sejarah kita sendiri -- almarhum fisikawan Gerard O'Neill berkata We can look at our own history. The late physicist Gerard O'Neill said,
sahabat besarnya, almarhum Bunda Teresa -- his great, beloved, late friend Mother Teresa --
Ini milik almarhum kucing saya, Hetti, Dia kucing yang sangat jelek. This one belongs to my dead cat Hetti. She was a horrible cat.
almarhum merupakan satu dari tiga tadjudin was one of three
almarhum pembangkang yordania abu musab the jordanian fugitive abu musab
apa yang pasangan almarhum memberi what the deceased spouse gave
baik apa yang pasangan almarhum either what the deceased spouse
dari almarhum puguh dwi yanto puguh dwi yantos
dia bahwa almarhum ayah manami him that manami deceased father
nenek moyang almarhum dianggap sebagai deceased ancestor regarded as
orang orang yang tahu almarhum those who knew the deceased
yang almarhum itu reconveyance seperti who demised it reconveyance as