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Indonesian to English
aren sugar palm
arena parkirparking lot


lingkaran pohon aren di sekeliling area.
a ring of sugar palms around the area.
Pohon aren ternyata tahan api
These sugar palms turn out to be fire-resistant --
karena aren menghasilkan 3x lebih banyak energi per hektar per tahunnya
they produce three times more energy per hectare per year,
atau bagian aren lainnya.
or any other of the crops.
dengan jalur pohon aren selebar 100 meter
with strips of 100 meters wide, with sugar palms
Dan pada akhirnya, hutan aren mengambil alih
And finally, the sugar palm forest takes over
Kami punya zona pohon aren,
We have the zone with the sugar palms,
lalu di bawahnya Anda tanam pohon aren,
then you underplanted with the sugar palms,