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Indonesian to English
asam klor acid chloric
asamsour, acid
asam klor atau asam sulfat
chloric acid or sulphuric acid
asam klorida dan diperoleh sebagai
hydrochloric acid and obtained as
asam klorida dan hadir dalam
hydrochloric acid and present in
asam klorida dan mucin dan
hydrochloric acid and mucin and
asam klorida dicampur bersama sama
hydrochloric acid are mixed together
asam klorida disebut platinochloric atau
hydrochloric acid called platinochloric or
asam klorida lihat asam dan
hydrochloric acid see acid and
asam klorida pada solanidine sebagai
hydrochloric acid on solanidine as
asam klorida yang larut logam
hydrochloric acid that dissolves metals
asetat nitrat dan asam klorida
acetic nitric and hydrochloric acids
bersatu dengan asam klorida encer
united with dilute hydrochloric acid
dan asam klorida adalah monobasic
and hydrochloric acids are monobasic
dan asam klorida dan diperoleh
and hydrochloric acid and obtained
dan asam klorida disebut platinochloric
and hydrochloric acid called platinochloric
dan asam klorida hal ini
and hydrochloric acid it is