Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
atase attache
atase angkatan bersenjataarmed forces attache
atase angkatan lautnaval force attache
atase angkatan udaraair-force attache
atase imigrasiimmigration attache
atase mantimmaritime attache
atase militermilitary atachee
atase pendidikan dan kebudayaaneducational and cultural attache
atase perdagangancomemercial attache
atase perhubungancommunication attache
atase perindustrianindustrial attache
atase perspress attache
atase pertahanandefense attache
atase pertanianagricultural attache
atase udaraair attache
tokyo syarief hidayat atase keuangan
tokyo syarief hidayat finance attach