Indonesian to English
bel | bell |
bel elektrik | electric bell |
bel listrik | buzzer |
bel pintu | doorbell |
bel sepeda | bicycle-bell |
bel tanda bahaya | alarm bell |
bel-sinyal | signal-bell |
bela | care for, nurture |
bela diri | self-defense |
belaan | protection |
belabas | lathe, ruler |
belacak | abundant |
belacan | shrimp or fish paste condiment. |
belaco | /belacu/ unbleached cotton, gray shirting. |
beladau | k.o. bolo knife. |
belado | (M) a dish with red pepper sauce. |
belagu | put on, act affected. |
belah | crack, gap, half, cun in half |
belah ketupat | rhomb |
belahak | mem-belahak clear o.'s throat, expectorate. |
belahan | split, fissure, splinter, slice, half |
Contohbenda itu memiliki bel pintu sebagai alarm, it's got door chimes for alarm --
Dia membunyikan bel lagi. Dia mengatakan, "Kita mempunyainya" -- He rings the bell again. He says, "We have" --
dan ada sebuah jam dan sebuah bel, dan saat tepat lima menit, bingo, and there's a clock and a bell, and at five minutes, bingo,
waktu berhenti untuknya. Dan berhenti sampai bel penutupan. time stops for him. And it stops till the closing bell.
seperti yang ada di dalam bel pintu. like the kind that's in a doorbell.
Yang satu ini tidak memiliki bel dan peluit, This one does not have those bells and whistles,
Ini adalah bel Add this buzzer
Ada orang yang takut menekan bel pintu I mean, there were people who were afraid to push doorbells,