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belahan bumi hemisphere


sangat dingin. Belahan bumi utara punya lapisan es yang sangat tebal.
getting very cold. The Northern Hemisphere had massive growing ice sheets.
Tidak berlebihan jika saya mengatakan bahwa Belahan Bumi Selatan akan menjadi
It's no exaggeration to say that the Southern Hemisphere is going to be
Tidak ada bedanya, sebenarnya, di belahan Bumi Utara,
It makes no odds. In fact, in the Northern Hemisphere,
Karena orang-orang yang saya temui di belahan bumi utara
Because the people I speak to in the northern hemisphere
Sebagian besar belahan bumi selatan belum tereksplorasi.
Most of the southern hemisphere is unexplored.
dalam bangsa kami di belahan bumi itu,
in our nations in that part of the world,
Beberapa berasal dari belahan bumi utara
Some of them are from the northern hemisphere;