Indonesian to English
berbanding | proportionate |
berbanding lurus | directly proportional |
berbanding terbalik | inversely proportional |
berbanding terbalik dengan | inversely proportional to |
berbandingan | match, in accordance |
Contohberbanding 5.000. as opposed to 5,000.
dua berbanding satu, perhitungan Anda salah 10 kali lipat. two to one, you’re wrong by a factor of ten.
perbandingan beratnya adalah 20 berbanding 1. you might find that the relative scale of those is 20 to 1.
Dengan perbandingan 2 berbanding 1 By a rate of two to one,
adalah 1 berbanding 20.000, menurut hasil kerja mereka. is about one in 20,000, according to the work they've done.
Kecelakaan pesawat terbang, 1 berbanding 20.000. Passenger aircraft crash, one in 20,000.
Ini hanyalah berat berbanding umur. This is just the weight versus the age.
dan pendapatan mereka berbanding umur -- and what it is is their revenue versus their age --
berbanding berat kita, massa kita, versus your weight, your mass,
berbanding dengan ukuran perusahaan yang diwakili oleh jumlah karyawannya. versus the size of the company as denoted by its number of employees.
mereka membentuk keseimbangan pada perubahan berbanding stabilitas -- that they form a balance on change versus stability --
1 berbanding 1.000, itu berarti jumlah one in a thousand, that means that there are
akan berbanding terbalik secara mutlak in absolute reverse proportion
berbanding lurus dengan ukuran otak. proportional to the size of the brain.
Peluang untuk mendapat kartu ini adalah 4.165 berbanding 1. The odds of getting it are 4,165 to one.
adalah 124 berbanding satu. was 124 to one.
dengan hasil 114 berbanding satu. with another vote of 114 to one.
jumlah psikiater berbanding dengan jumlah penduduk the proportion of psychiatrists in the population