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berdebat debate
berdebat denganbreak a lance with


senjata untuk berdebat dengan orang lain, merendahkan orang lain. Sepanjang masa, agama banyak digunakan
putting other people down. Throughout the ages, religion has been used to oppress others,
mereka berdebat apakah harus membaptis --
well, they're debating whether to christen --
mereka berdebat apakah ini adalah masa geologi baru
they're debating whether to make it a new geological epoch
soundtrack film, misalnya, atau Gene Siskel berdebat dengan saya."
movie soundtracks, for example, or Gene Siskel arguing with me --
Dan tak ada yang berdebat tentang arti kata gratis
And no two people could disagree about what the word free was
Jadi di abad terakhir ini, orang-orang berdebat
So, in the last century, OK, people debated
dan masyarakat akan berdebat
and people are going to debate
Kita masih berdebat soal puncak dari pemakaian minyak bumi,
We are still debating peak oil,
berdebat dengan keras di mana dia berargumen
gave a great debate in which he argued
mungkin dua orang akan datang dan berdebat dengan saya setelah ini
probably two of you, will come up and argue with me afterwards,
Mereka berdebat dengan istri saya, dan mereka membacakan cerita menjelang tidur ke anak saya.
They argued with my wife for me, and they read my son bedtime stories.
Saya tidak suka berdebat dengan Einstein,
I hate to argue with Einstein,
yang ada dalam komunitas itu harus berjuang dan berdebat
who is part of the community gets to fight and argue
berdebat dan bertengkar
argue, disagree, fight,
berdebat alot dengan temannya.
and their friends debate heatedly.
mempertimbangkan, berdebat, menjalankan tanggung jawab publik
deliberating, debating, taking on public responsibilities
"Berdebat dengan Idiot".
"Arguing With Idiots."
berdebat tentang I.Q,
in the debate about I.Q.,
dan berdebat tentang tempat berlibur
and arguing about where to spend holidays
dan mereka menghabiskan sekitar tiga tahun berdebat
and they spent about three years arguing
Chris Anderson: Kita akan berdebat.
Chris Anderson: We're having a debate.
Dan sebelum kita berdebat,
And before we have the debate,
pemuka agama bertemu, mereka berdebat tentang doktrin
religious leaders come together, they're arguing about abstruse doctrines
Kalian dan saya bisa melihatnya dan berdebat
Now you and I could look at this and we could argue
dan berdebat tentang
and argue about
cara kita berpikir dan berdebat
the way we think and argue
dan terkadang berdebat tentang,
and sometimes argue about,
Sangat sulit untuk berdebat tentang keadilan
Very hard to argue about justice
berpikir dan berdebat
of thinking and arguing,