Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
berjalan terus keep straight on
berjalanwalk, run, go, work
terusdirect, straight


Jadi perempuan itu berjalan terus selama 20 tahun,
So that woman walked for 20 years,
Kita lihat ia akan berjalan terus menerobos persimpangan.
But the cyclist, we see, is going to proceed through the intersection.
berdesak desakan mereka berjalan terus
thrust upon another they walk
berjalan terus mengikuti yoab untuk
went on after joab to
berjalan terus sambil berkata kata
still went on and talked
dengan seluruh israel berjalan terus
and all israel went
israel berjalan terus dari makeda
israel went from makkedah
jadi perempuan itu berjalan terus
so that woman walked
kemudian kita berjalan terus meninggalkan
so we passed on from
masih berjalan terus berkembang atau
is still running progressing or
mereka berjalan terus masing masing
they walk every one
orang itu berjalan terus mengikuti
the people went on after
perempuan itu berjalan terus selama
that woman walked for
program masih berjalan terus berkembang
program is still running progressing
seluruh israel berjalan terus dari
all israel went from
semua orang itu berjalan terus
all the people went on
tak berpengalaman berjalan terus lalu
simple pass on and