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berjudul be entitled, have a title


berjudul "Teori dari Sentimen Moral."
called "The Theory of Moral Sentiments."
menulis buku kecil berjudul "Kemakmuran dari Negara" --
would write a little book called "The Wealth of Nations" --
yang berjudul "Weather Systems" [Pola Cuaca]
called "Weather Systems."
berjudul "Wanita Tanpa Pria."
called "Women Without Men."
ada jilidan ini yang berjudul "FINFISHER."
was this binder entitled "FINFISHER."
"Bayangkan kalian di dalam sebuah film berjudul "Melarikan diri dari Malibu"
"So, imagine you're in a movie called 'Escape from Malibu'
berjudul "Pinggul Besar."
titled "Wide Hips."
Dalam sebuah cerpen berjudul “Oh Yes”,
In a short story called "Oh Yes,"
berjudul "Saya adalah Sebuah Lingkaran Aneh."
called "I Am a Strange Loop."
Ada sebuah buku yang berjudul "Bantuan Mati."
There's a book called "Dead Aid."
Yang satu ini berjudul, "Apa yang Saya Pikirkan?"
This one is called "What the Fuck Was I Thinking?"
Fillm ini berjudul " Perdamaian Dunia dan Prestasi Lain dari Kelas 4."
This film is called "World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements."
Dan cerita pertama berjudul
And the first story is called
Dan kisah berikutnya berjudul "Di Pangkuan Manusia."
And the next story is called, "On the Human Lap."
pernah menulis sebuah esai yang berjudul
once wrote an essay that he titled
Anda melihat itu adalah lukisan Van Gogh, yang berjudul "Tengkorak dengan Rokok."
you see that it's a painting by Van Gogh, called "Skull with Cigarette."
The Harvard Business Review baru-baru ini memiliki sebuah artikel yang berjudul
The Harvard Business Review recently had an article called
Ada sebuah buku bagus yang berjudul
There's a wonderful book called
menceritakan kepadanya cerita karangan Homer berjudul "Iliad."
told him the story of Homer's "Iliad."
yang berjudul 'Aku Tidak Bermulut dan Aku Harus Berteriak.' ('I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream')
titled "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream."
berjudul "Cala a boca, Galvao."
titled "Cala a boca, Galvao."
dari lagu yang berjudul "Sleep."
to a piece of mine called "Sleep."
berjudul "Lux Aurumque", yang berarti "cahaya dan emas."
called "Lux Aurumque," which means "light and gold."
yang berjudul "Apa itu kehidupan?" yang ditulis oleh seorang ahli fisika besar yakni Schrodinger.
called "What is Life?" by the great physicist, Schrodinger.
Sebenarnya film ini berjudul Temple Grandin,
And actually it's called "Temple Grandin,"
Buku ini berjudul "Blessed Unrest."
The book is called "Blessed Unrest."
Pemikiran ini dijabarkan dalam sebuah buku berjudul "Memenangkan Babak Terakhir Perminyakan"
This thesis is set out in a book called "Winning the Oil Endgame"
Film ini akan berjudul "Film Terbaik yang Pernah Dijual."
So the movie will be called "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold."
Film ini berjudul
And the movie is called
menuju lagu yang berjudul "Titi Boom."
into a song called "Titi Boom."
berjudul "The New New Product Development Game."
called "The New New Product Development Game."
berjudul "Proyek Identitas."
called "Identity Project."
Ini berjudul "Pernyataan Mode,"
It's called "Fashion Statement,"
yang berjudul "Benih Masa Depan Ditanam Hari Ini."
And it's called "Seeds of the Future are Planted Today."
Ini adalah sedikit dari film yang saya kerjakan baru-baru ini, yang berjudul Blind Door.
This is a still from a film I worked on recently, called "Blind Door."
berjudul ["Dry"], kisah tentang masa hidupnya di panti rehabilitasi.
called ["Dry"], and it's about his time in rehab.
yang berjudul "Good Business," ketika saya mewawancarai beberapa CEO
called "Good Business," where I interviewed some of the CEOs
yang berjudul "In Rainbows." Pembeli dapat menentukan harga,
"In Rainbows." Buyers could determine the price,
yang berjudul "Para Penyerbuk."
called "The Pollinators."
berjudul "Pertempuran Anghiari" yang seharusnya ada
the "Battle of Anghiari," which is supposed to be located
Sebuah lukisan yang indah karya Otto Marseus, berjudul "Lukisan Alam"
Otto Marseus, nice painting, which is "Still Life"
dari buku yang sedang saya persiapkan, yang berjudul
and this is from a book I'm preparing called
yang benar-benar mengganggu saya, dan membuat saya menulis sebuah buku berjudul
that really disturbed me, and led me to write a book called
Artikel itu berjudul "Seperti yang mungkin kita pikirkan."
And the article was called "As We May Think."
Ini adalah sampul depan bukunya yang berjudul "Utopia."
This is the frontispiece of his book "Utopia."
berjudul "Dead Aid," karya Moyo Dambisa,
read "Dead Aid," by Dambisa Moyo,
saya menemukan buku berjudul "Seorang Pria mencari Arti Hidup"
I came upon a book called "Man's Search for Meaning"
akan berjudul "mengapa anda tidak seharusnya membawa ponsel di kantong anda."
will be why you should not carry a cell phone in your pocket.
yang berjudul "Manfaat Libur Panjang,"
and it was called "The power of time off,"
Saya menulis sebuah artikel berjudul "Hidup Dengan Sumber Luar,"
I wrote an article called "My Outsourced Life,"