Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
berkarat rusty, corroded, rust, stained, disgraced, blemished


Namun ini merupakan kebiasaan kami, tanpa bius, dengan pisau yang sudah berkarat,
It's practiced, it's no anesthesia, it's a rusty old knife,
yang telah berkarat karena cuaca.
rebar that was exposed to the weather and had rusted away.
agak berkarat,
sort of rusty,
Kalau wahana di taman hiburan berkarat dan rusak, Anda pasti tidak mau menaikinya.
If that amusement park were rusty and falling apart, you'd never go on the ride.
kini retak dan berkarat
now sits cracked and rusted
dari sabuk ekonomi berkarat di wilayah barat
between the rust belt economy of the midwest