Indonesian to English
berlatih terus | keep hand in |
Contohpersiapan SAT, berlatih oboe, berlatih sepak bola. SAT prep, oboe, soccer practice.
dia berlatih dan melatih orang di ruangan ini. and he trains in this space. He trains other people.
Mereka hanya berlatih. They're just practicing.
Jadi saya harus banyak berlatih. So I've had to do quite a lot of training.
Saya berlatih di pegunungan Atlas di Maroko tahun lalu This is Morocco last year in the Atlas mountains,
Seorang penyanyi opera harus mulai berlatih sejak usia dini An opera singer must start training young
Allan Okrainec: Hari ini kita akan berlatih untuk menjahit. Allan Okrainec: Today we're going to practice suturing.
Kini saya mencoba mengejarnya, namun sebenarnya saya berlatih terbang. So now I try and go after her, but I’m practicing flying.
Mereka sedang berlatih, They are training themselves,
Dan apa yang mendorongnya berlatih selama ratusan jam And what drove him to spend the hundreds of hours of practice
Berlatih dengan mereka selama seminggu, dan bertanding melawan mereka. He trains with them for a week, and he plays a match with them.
yang berkata beberapa hari lalu -- karena saya hanya berlatih sedikit -- who said to me a few days ago -- because I did a little rehearsal --
Tapi setelah satu minggu berlatih, But after one week of practicing,
Saya menghabiskan hari-hari saya berlatih. I was spending all my time practicing.
Tiap hari saya berlatih berjam-jam It took me hours and hours a day
Orang Amerika berlatih seumur hidup Americans train their whole lives
Saya belum berlatih yoga. Saya belum siap." I didn't do yoga. I'm not ready."
lebih baik dari siapapun meskipun telah bertahun-tahun berlatih. better than any human after years of practice.
Kadang-kadang pemadam kebakaran berlatih And that what firemen do to train sometimes
dan membakarnya, dan berlatih untuk memadamkannya. and they burn it down instead, and practice putting it out.
Mari berlatih. Jadi: satu, dua, tiga, mulai. Same sort of drill. So: one, two, three, go.
bermain dan berlatih berbicara and do plays and have speeches.
Kita terlebih dahulu berlatih di sebuah tangki di Port Heuneme. We trained in a tank in Port Hueneme,
saya sudah berlatih dan memikirkannya. it has been rehearsed and thought about a lot.
telah membuka kesempatan untuk berlatih, has allowed opportunities for training,
Tentu saja tidak! Anda harus berlatih 24/7 Of course not! You've got to practice 24/7.
dan mulai berlatih, berlatih, dan berlatih, and started practicing, practicing, practicing,
ayah menggunakan pengalamannya untuk berlatih. he'd put his experience to practice.
Bagaimana jika saya mengatakan saya berlatih tinju selama lima tahun? What if I told you that I was actually trained as a boxer for five years,
Sebagai konduktor, saya harus berlatih dengan sangat keras I, as the conductor, have to come to the rehearsal with a cast-iron sense
dengan berlatih Bach. practicing playing Bach.
hanya mungkin jika Anda berlatih setahap demi setahap, is only possible if you practice step by step,
jadi saya sering berlatih. so I'm training a lot.
saya berlatih keras untuk kedua proyek baru saya. I'm training hard for my two new projects.
bahwa dia terlalu lama tidak berlatih yoga. he hasn't been doing enough yoga.
akan berlatih. are going to train.
DI tahun 2007, saya tidak sengaja berlatih menghadapi perahu terbalik In 2007, I did a rather involuntary capsize drill
saya sedang berlatih bersama rekan-rekan saya. I was on a training bike ride with my fellow teammates.
Dan saya berlatih berjalan sebisa mungkin And I practiced my walking as much as I could,
jika Anda berlatih untuk sebuah triathlon if you're training for a triathlon
mereka mungkin akan berlatih beberapa kali. they probably would have rehearsed it a few times.
berlatih, mengikat Odysseus ke tiang kapal rehearsal, tying to the mast,
Mungkin untuk berlatih lebih keras. It's physically possible to exercise more.
Pada dasarnya saya berlatih menemukan uang di jalan. I basically practice for finding money on the street.
tanpa banyak berlatih. without lots of practice.
Dan saya ingin berlatih dengan siulan Anda terlebih dahulu. And I want to first rehearse with you your whistling.
Entah kenapa berlatih menjadi sesuatu yang negatif. Practice for some reason became a very negative thing.
Padahal berlatih adalah hal yang sangat positif. It's very positive.
karena saya suka berlatih di kedua sisi. because I like practicing on both sides.
Tak peduli seberapa keras saya berlatih, saya tidak akan menyamainya. It doesn't matter how hard I train, I'm never actually going to get there.