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Indonesian to English
berlayar sail, go by boat
berlayar beruntunin line ahead
berlayar ke selatansailing south
berlayar ke utarasailing north
berlayar mengelilingicircumnavigate
berlayar mengitaricircumnavigated
berlayar menujubear up for
berlayar menuju keput away for
berlayar menuju ke hilirdropped down


Dan saya berlayar, agak sedikit terpaksa saya kira,
And I'm smiling, sort of forced, I think,
di mana para pelaut ini berlayar
that these mariners sailed
dan membantu mereka berlayar dengan ketepatan luar biasa.
and help them navigate with the keenest accuracy.
yang berlayar di samudera luas
who sail vast open oceans
jika engkau berlayar
if you are voyaging
Engkau tidak dapat berlayar sendirian,
You cannot make the voyage alone,
anda punya alasan untuk punya TV berlayar besar,
you have a reason to have a big-screen television;
Dan orang-orang bertopi putih berlayar.
And people in white hats sailing boats.
Jika saya berlayar keluar di lautan terbuka,
If I go out in the open ocean environment,
berlayar melintasi batas peta mereka,
sailed off the edge of the map,
mereka berlayar dengan 1.000 orang pelaut,
they sail with 1,000 sailors at a time,
dia mengajarkan saya cara berlayar,
he taught me how to sail,
Jadi kapal itu berangkat dari Inggris, lalu berlayar
So the ships start in England, they come down
orang-orang kulit hitam pergi berlayar,
black people went on a cruise, is more or less
dan saat kami berlayar mengarungi samudera, mengikuti aturan ini,
and as we're going across the ocean, following these rules,
dan berlayar
and then sailed it all the way
Saya berlayar dengan kapal ini
And I went sailing on it,