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bernama so called
bernama burukinfamous


Seorang filsuf tidak terkenal bernama Adam Smith
A then unknown philosopher named Adam Smith
yakni kota kecil bernama Gateshead.
is the little town of Gateshead.
seorang ahli Biologi Jerman bernama Silvia Gaus
a German biologist by the name of Silvia Gaus
sebuah kapal bernama "Treasure"
a ship named the Treasure
kapal bernama "Apollo Sea" tenggelam di dekat Pulau Dassen,
a ship named the Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island,
Dan pusat penyelamatan burung laut lokal, bernama SANCCOB,
And the local seabird rescue center, named SANCCOB,
Ada perempuan muda bernama Kerry Ruffleson* di Minnesota.
There's a young woman named Carrie Rethlefsen in Minnesota.
bernama "Giving What We Can" (Memberi Apa Yang Kita Bisa) untuk menyebarkan informasi ini,
called Giving What We Can to spread this information,
dan dia membuat sebuah website bernama 80.000 jam,
and he's set up a website called 80,000 Hours,
Ia bernama Matt Weiger.
His name is Matt Weiger.
E-mail tersebut berasal dari seorang pria bernama Chris Croy, yang belum pernah saya kenal.
It's from a man named Chris Croy, who I'd never heard of.
Malah, salah satu teman kelasnya adalah seorang pemuda bernama Lenin
In fact, one of his classmates is a young man named Lenin
yang bernama otak.
called the brain.
terdiri dari ratusan milyar sel bernama neuron.
made out of hundreds of billions of cells called neurons.
oleh pakar matematika bernama Lucas.
by a mathematician called Lucas.
bernama Peter Heppel.
named Peter Heppel.
Persimpangan ini tidak menarik dan tidak bernama.
This intersection had been bland and anonymous.
dan mendirikan restoran bernama Waterhouse.
and created a restaurant called Waterhouse.
bernama Ingrid Washinawatok.
was named Ingrid Washinawatok.
seorang pria yang bernama Tasneem Saddiqui.
named Tasneem Saddiqui.
bernama Josephat Byaruhanga,
named Josephat Byaruhanga,
Satu yang saya favoritkan adalah bahwa orang bernama Dennis
One of my favorite is that people named Dennis
bernama Douglas Hofstadter di Universitas Indiana.
named Douglas Hofstadter at the University of Indiana.
Dia menikahi seorang wanita bernama Carol,
He was married to a woman named Carol,
yang bernama Anthropocene, masa manusia.
called the Anthropocene, the age of Man.
untuk mengunjungi tempat bernama Axion Recycling.
to visit a place called Axion Recycling.
Salah satu dari pemuda itu bernama Aden.
One of the young men in the room was Aden.
Tamannya yang bernama "Taman Perdamaian"
His Peace Park, and that's what he calls it,
Tapi ini adalah sebuah situs bernama Rospil
But this is a website called Rospil
di sebuah tempat bernama Denisova,
at a place called Denisova,
kami menerapkan teknologi lama bernama kuas.
old-fashioned technology of the paintbrush being applied.
Ini adalah proyek bernama Ray.
This is project called Ray.
Yang membuatnya adalah seseorang bernama Goose.
It was done by a guy named Goose.
bernama Songs You Already Know,
called Songs You Already Know,
saya pernah menjalankan proyek bernama Facebook Me Equals You,
I did a project called Facebook Me Equals You,
yang bernama fotoreseptor.
cells here, the photoreceptors.
teleskop yang direncanakan berikutnya bernama "The Extremely Large Telescope." (Teleskop Sangat Besar Sekali)
that the next one that they're planning is called The Extremely Large Telescope.
Saya lahir di desa kecil bernama Gando.
I was born in a little village called Gando.
makhluk hidup kecil luar biasa yang bernama sel.
little, itty-bitty creatures called cells.
Maka saya membuat tempat bernama Samboja Lestari
So I created the place Samboja Lestari,
Aplikasi pertama saya adalah sebuah peramal nasib yang unik bernama Earth Fortune
My first app was a unique fortune teller called Earth Fortune
Ada program yang bernama iPad Pilot Program,
There's these programs called the iPad Pilot Program,
Seorang orang bernama Timothy Prestero,
A wonderful guy named Timothy Prestero,
yang mempunyai sebuah perusahaan bernama ... Design that Matters.
who has a company called ... an organization called Design That Matters.
Dan beberapa tahun yang lalu, seorang peneliti bernama Kevin Dunbar
And a few years ago, a wonderful researcher named Kevin Dunbar
seorang pelajar yang baik bernama Howard Gruber kembali
a wonderful scholar named Howard Gruber went back
Dan dua orang ini bernama Guier dan Weiffenbach.
And these two guys are named Guier and Weiffenbach.
pada tepi sungai yang bernama Indus,
on the banks of a river called the Indus,
Mereka menceritakannya tentang pahlawan bernama Achilles,
They told him of a great hero called Achilles,
Ia mendengar cerita seorang pria bernama Bharat,
He heard of a man called Bharat,