Indonesian to English
bersikap | 1 have a certain attitude. 2 (Mil.) stand at attention. |
bersikap acuh | irresponsive |
bersikap baik | carry well |
bersikap baik terhadap semua orang | really well to people |
bersikap dingin | phlegmatic |
bersikap dingin pada | turn a cold shoulder to |
bersikap hati-hati dan sopan | handle with kid gloves |
bersikap keras | taken a hard line |
bersikap masa bodoh | apathetic |
bersikap meminta-minta | on the cadge |
bersikap menghina - | thum nose |
bersikap menjilat | bow and scrape |
bersikap merendahkan diri | servile |
bersikap pengecut | chicken out |
bersikap ramah | courted |
bersikap resmi | stand on ceremony |
bersikap rewel - | carry a chip on shoulder |
bersikap sangat keras | going to extremes |
bersikap seperti orang terpela | assumed a knowing air |
bersikap seperti orang terpelajar | assume a knowing air |
bersikap tenang | take coolly |
Contohdan bagaimana kita bersikap saat hal itu terjadi, and how we behave when that happens,
dan saya selalu bersikap hormat and I've been always very respectful
Dan saya tidak tahu bagaimana bersikap sebagai aktivis. And I don't know how I became one now.
Aku tidak harus bersikap baik kepada orang-orang! I didn't have to be nice to people!
Benar-benar tidak jelas bagaimana kami seharusnya bersikap really not quite clear what we were supposed to be.
untuk mengajari kami bersikap. telling us how to be.
dan menyentuh anak-anak dan bersikap jujur. and touch children and be honest.
akan melihat pada marshmallow dan bersikap seperti ini... would look at the marshmallow and go like this ...
Ini bukan berarti bersikap lunak terhadap terorisme. This isn't about being soft on terrorism.
Dalam sejarah, kita selalu bersikap sebagai korban Historically, we've always acted as victims
jika kita berhenti bersikap seperti korban, if we stopped acting as victims,
dia akan bersikap buruk dengan apapun di tanah, and he'll be terrible for anything on the ground,
namun bereka bersikap egois dan menyedihkan. but they are acting selfish and pathetic.
Model ini menuntut kalian bersikap seperti raja. This model requires you to act like the king,
dan bersikap seolah-olah kebisingan ini tidak ada. and pretending that it doesn't exist.
dengan bersikap ambisius dan agresif, being driven and aggressive,
tak pernah sekalipun bersikap hendak mengubah dunia; is never in the first instance about changing the world;
Saya takut. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana harus bersikap I was worried. I didn't know how I'd react
Tanpa rencana, saya bersikap reaktif I just, without a plan, I just reacted
Dan Hansen bersikap keras soal energi nuklir, And Hansen is hard over for nuclear power,
Akan kudapatkan wanita di tempat cuci otomatis yang tampaknya selalu tahu bagaimana bersikap ramah. I'll get that lady at the laundromat who always seems to know what being nice is.